Resultado da pesquisa (2)

Termo utilizado na pesquisa custos

#1 - Economic impact of retained placenta in dairy cows

Abstract in English:

Approximately 75% of diseases in dairy cows occur in the first month after parturition and these problems have their origin associated with the immune system and food consumption two to three weeks before parturition. Diseases related to the reproductive tract, such as retained placenta, can affect reproductive efficiency as well as milk production. The effects of diseases on the physiological processes of animals become economic impacts that can be measured. The objective of this study was to evaluate the economic impact of retained placenta on a herd of 900 lactating cows. The diagnosis of placental retention was defined as presence of the placenta 24 hours postpartum. A database was used in the study, from which the following information was extracted: placenta presence 24 hours after calving, year of calving, calving season, and number of semen doses per gestation. In order to calculate the economic impact, the direct costs (treatment, labor, reduction of milk production and milk discharge during the treatment period) and indirect costs (increase in the service period, increase in the number of semen doses and increase of the risk of disposal). The average values ​​related to the costs were obtained from the veterinarian responsible for the property with reference to the year 2009 for the calculations to be carried out. The total cost per occurrence of placenta retention in primiparous cows in the rainy and dry season was US$51.8 and in multiparous cows was US$70.6 and US$87.9 in times of drought and rain, respectively. Retention of placenta presented a cost for the property in the evaluated period of US$8,878.0 or 19,666 liters of milk. Retention of placenta presented a significant economic impact on milk production under the conditions evaluated.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Aproximadamente 75% das doenças em vacas leiteiras acontecem no primeiro mês após o parto e esses problemas têm sua origem associada ao sistema imune e ao consumo de alimentos duas a três semanas antes do parto. Doenças relacionadas ao trato reprodutivo como, por exemplo, retenção de placenta pode afetar a eficiência reprodutiva assim como a produção de leite. Os efeitos das doenças nos processos fisiológicos dos animais se transformam em impactos econômicos passíveis de serem mensurados. Objetivou-se avaliar o impacto econômico da retenção de placenta em um rebanho composto de 900 vacas em lactação. O diagnóstico de retenção de placenta foi definido como presença da placenta 24 horas após o parto. Foi utilizado um banco de dados no estudo, do qual foram extraídas as seguintes informações: ano de parição, época de parição, ordem de lactação, presença da placenta 24 horas após o parto, e número de doses de sêmen por gestação. Para cálculo do impacto econômico foram considerados os custos diretos (tratamento, mão de obra, redução da produção de leite e descarte de leite durante o período de tratamento) e indiretos (aumento do período de serviço, aumento do número de doses de sêmen e aumento do risco de descarte). Os valores médios relacionados aos custos foram obtidos junto ao veterinário responsável pela propriedade com referência ao ano de 2009 para que os cálculos fossem realizados. O custo total por ocorrência de retenção de placenta em vacas primíparas no período de chuva e seca foi de US$51,8 e em vacas multíparas foi de US$70,6 e US$87,9 nas épocas de seca e de chuvas, respectivamente. A retenção de placenta apresentou custo para a propriedade no período avaliado de US$8.878,0 ou 19.666 litros de leite. A retenção de placenta apresentou impacto econômico importante na propriedade leiteira nas condições avaliadas.

#2 - Ganho de peso e custos em bovinos de corte submetidos a dois tipos de suplementos minerais

Abstract in English:

Malafaia P., Peixoto P.V., Gonçalves J.C.S., Moreira A.L., Costa D.P.B. & Correa W.S. 2004. [Daily weight gain and costs of beef cattle receiving two types of mineral supple-ments.] Ganho de peso e custos em bovinos de corte submetidos a dois tipos de suplementos minerais. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 24(3):160-164. Depto Nutrição Animal e Pastagem, Instituto de Zootecnia, UFRRJ, Seropédica, RJ 23851-970, Brazil. E-mail: The daily weight gain and economic aspects of beef cattle raised on tropical pastures receiving two types of mineral supplements were evaluated during 112-183 days during the wet season in 4 herds. On each farm the animals were divided into two groups. For one group a commercial mineral mixture was used, and to the other group a selective mineral mixture containing only Na, P, Cu and Co was offered. The cattle were weighed every 30 days, and the mineral supplement intake was measured monthly. The daily weight gain of the animals receiving the selective mineral mixture was greater in three farms. Only on the second farm the group receiving the commercial mineral mixture had a superior daily weight gain. The daily intake of the selective mineral mixture was lower in all groups and was attributed to the high amount of NaCl in these mixtures. The selective mineral supplementation was 3 up to 7 times more economic than the conventional supplementation with a “complete” mineral mix. Throughout the experimental period the animals did not show any direct or indirect clinical signs of mineral deficiency. The results of these experiments confirms the hypothesis that selective mineral supplementation – i.e. supplementation of the mineral element(s) deficient – was correct and results in expressive reduction of the cost with the mineral supplementation for beef cattle.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Malafaia P., Peixoto P.V., Gonçalves J.C.S., Moreira A.L., Costa D.P.B. & Correa W.S. 2004. [Daily weight gain and costs of beef cattle receiving two types of mineral supple-ments.] Ganho de peso e custos em bovinos de corte submetidos a dois tipos de suplementos minerais. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 24(3):160-164. Depto Nutrição Animal e Pastagem, Instituto de Zootecnia, UFRRJ, Seropédica, RJ 23851-970, Brazil. E-mail: The daily weight gain and economic aspects of beef cattle raised on tropical pastures receiving two types of mineral supplements were evaluated during 112-183 days during the wet season in 4 herds. On each farm the animals were divided into two groups. For one group a commercial mineral mixture was used, and to the other group a selective mineral mixture containing only Na, P, Cu and Co was offered. The cattle were weighed every 30 days, and the mineral supplement intake was measured monthly. The daily weight gain of the animals receiving the selective mineral mixture was greater in three farms. Only on the second farm the group receiving the commercial mineral mixture had a superior daily weight gain. The daily intake of the selective mineral mixture was lower in all groups and was attributed to the high amount of NaCl in these mixtures. The selective mineral supplementation was 3 up to 7 times more economic than the conventional supplementation with a “complete” mineral mix. Throughout the experimental period the animals did not show any direct or indirect clinical signs of mineral deficiency. The results of these experiments confirms the hypothesis that selective mineral supplementation – i.e. supplementation of the mineral element(s) deficient – was correct and results in expressive reduction of the cost with the mineral supplementation for beef cattle.

Colégio Brasileiro de Patologia Animal SciELO Brasil CAPES CNPQ UNB UFRRJ CFMV