
The guiding policy of the Colégio Brasileiro de Patologia Animal (CBPA), founded in 1978, was published in the Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira (PVB). The philosophy of this journal is to promote animal health and, consequently, human and environmental health. The diagnosis of diseases is one of the main steps for subsidiary actions of disease control programs and thereby promotes food security.

CBPA put forward courses and events ("Encontro Nacional de Diagnóstico Veterinário", ENDIVET and "Encontro Internacional de Saúde e Prevenção Animal", ENISAP) to support Field Veterinarians in Brazil, as these are professionals who work effectively with animal health and its implications.

CBPA is a nonprofit entity. For CBPA to be able to take these actions, please contact donor support from businesses and individuals. We kindly ask you to contact our Treasury. Currently, CBPA has five employees, accounting and legal assistance and support for conventions of the Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ) and the Universidade de Brasília (UnB).

Treasury CBPA

+55 (21) 3787-3929

+55 (21) 2628-1055

Bank data

Banco do Brasil

Ag. 729-3

CC. 85.097-7

CNPJ: 30.628.457/0001-06

We look forward to your support,

CBPA Management BoardSeropédica/RJ,18.09.2019

Colégio Brasileiro de Patologia Animal SciELO Brasil CAPES CNPQ UNB UFRRJ CFMV