Resultado da pesquisa (40)

Termo utilizado na pesquisa Irigoyen L.F.

#31 - Cirrose hepática em cães: 80 casos (1965-2003), p.471-480

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Silva M.C., Fighera R.A., Brum J.S., Graça D.L., Kommers G.D., Irigoyen L.F. & Barros C.S.L. 2007. [Hepatic cirrhosis in dogs: 80 cases (1965-2003).] Cirrose hepática em cães: 80 casos (1965-2003). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(11):471-480. Departamento de Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Camobi, 97105-900 Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. E-mail: A retrospective study in 80 cases of canine hepatic cirrhosis was carried out at the Veterinary Pathology Laboratory of the Federal University of Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Considering those cases in which the sex and age of the dogs were informed in the necropsy reports, males comprised 53.8% of the cases and 46.2% were females; while 50.0% of these dogs were aged, 48.6% were adults and 1.4% were puppies. The main observed clinical signs include ascites (39/80 [48.8%]), icterus (19/80 [23.8%]), anorexia (13/80 [16.2%]), neurological disturbances (12/80 [15.0%]), dyspnea (12/80 [15.0%]) and subcutaneous edema (10/80 [12.5%]). In 63 dogs for which there was a description of gross morphology in the necropsy reports, 76.2% had macronodular and 23.8% had micronodular cirrhosis. In 14 cases in which the histopathology of the liver was reviewed different degrees of fibrosis were observed: mild in 57.2%, moderate in 21.4%, or marked in 21.4%; in these cases there were no correlation with the degree of fibrosis and other associated histological changes such as lipidosis, biliary ducts hyperplasia, inflammation, bilestasis, hemosiderosis and random hepatocellular necrosis. Extra hepatic changes included ascites (39/63 [61.9%]), icterus (19/63 [30.2%]), status spongiosus (15/63 [23.8%]), hydrothorax (12/63 [19.0%]), subcutaneous edema (10/63 [15.9%]), portosystemic shunts (11/63 [17.5%]), gastric our duodenal ulceration (11/63 [17.5%]) and cholemic nephrosis (4/63 [6.3%]).

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Silva M.C., Fighera R.A., Brum J.S., Graça D.L., Kommers G.D., Irigoyen L.F. & Barros C.S.L. 2007. [Hepatic cirrhosis in dogs: 80 cases (1965-2003).] Cirrose hepática em cães: 80 casos (1965-2003). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(11):471-480. Departamento de Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Camobi, 97105-900 Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. E-mail: A retrospective study in 80 cases of canine hepatic cirrhosis was carried out at the Veterinary Pathology Laboratory of the Federal University of Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Considering those cases in which the sex and age of the dogs were informed in the necropsy reports, males comprised 53.8% of the cases and 46.2% were females; while 50.0% of these dogs were aged, 48.6% were adults and 1.4% were puppies. The main observed clinical signs include ascites (39/80 [48.8%]), icterus (19/80 [23.8%]), anorexia (13/80 [16.2%]), neurological disturbances (12/80 [15.0%]), dyspnea (12/80 [15.0%]) and subcutaneous edema (10/80 [12.5%]). In 63 dogs for which there was a description of gross morphology in the necropsy reports, 76.2% had macronodular and 23.8% had micronodular cirrhosis. In 14 cases in which the histopathology of the liver was reviewed different degrees of fibrosis were observed: mild in 57.2%, moderate in 21.4%, or marked in 21.4%; in these cases there were no correlation with the degree of fibrosis and other associated histological changes such as lipidosis, biliary ducts hyperplasia, inflammation, bilestasis, hemosiderosis and random hepatocellular necrosis. Extra hepatic changes included ascites (39/63 [61.9%]), icterus (19/63 [30.2%]), status spongiosus (15/63 [23.8%]), hydrothorax (12/63 [19.0%]), subcutaneous edema (10/63 [15.9%]), portosystemic shunts (11/63 [17.5%]), gastric our duodenal ulceration (11/63 [17.5%]) and cholemic nephrosis (4/63 [6.3%]).

#32 - Hepatite infecciosa canina: 62 casos, p.325-332

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Inkelmann M.A., Rozza D.B., Fighera R.A., Kommers G.D., Graça D.L., Irigoyen L.F. & Barros C.S.L. 2007. [Infectious canine hepatitis: 62 cases.] Hepatite infecciosa canina: 62 casos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(8):325-332. Departamento de Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105-900 Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. E-mail: Necropsy reports from 5,361 dogs necropsied over a 43-year period (1964-2006) were reviewed in search for cases of infectious canine hepatitis (ICH). Sixty two (1.2%) cases of the disease were found. Most of the 62 affected dogs (91.9%,) were 2-year-old or less. Clinical signs were recorded in the necropsy files of 45 ICH affected dogs and included anorexia (55.6%), apathy (35.6%), diarrhea (35.6%) (often with blood [43,8%]), neurological signs (33.3%), vomiting (26.7%), petechiae and echymosis in the mucous membranes and/or skin (24.4%), hypothermia (20.0%), abdominal pain (15.6%), icterus (13.3%), enlargement and congestion of the tonsils (11.1%), fever (11.1%) and ascites (6.7%). The clinical courses lasted from few hours to 15 days. The most frequent necropsy findings included hepatic changes (87.1%), edematous, congested and hemorrhagic lymph nodes (51.6%), bloodstained fluid, clear fluid or whole blood in the abdominal cavity (35.5%), and petechial or paint-brush hemorrhages over the pleural (27.4%) and gastrointestinal (24.2%) serosal surfaces. In 12.9% of the cases there was a granularity to the intestinal serosa. Hemorrhages in the leptomeninges and in the substance of the brain were observed in 9.7% of the cases. Hepatic gross changes included moderately enlarged and more friable livers with marked lobular pattern, congestion and multifocal pale or hemorrhagic foci of necrosis. Films and strands of fibrin covered the hepatic surface in 20.4% of the cases and in 27.8% of the cases the gall bladder was thickened by edema. Zonal or randomly distributed multifocal hepatic necrosis (93.5%) associated with intranuclear inclusion bodies were the most consistent microscopic findings. Intranuclear inclusion bodies were found in the liver in every case and their detection was the criterium for confirmation of the diagnosis. The most significant microscopic extra-hepatic lesions included hemorrhages and intranuclear inclusion bodies in endothelial and reticuloendothelial cells of the renal glomeruli (50.0%) lymph nodes (47.8%), brain (27.8%), tonsils (25.0%) and spleen (10.0%).

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Inkelmann M.A., Rozza D.B., Fighera R.A., Kommers G.D., Graça D.L., Irigoyen L.F. & Barros C.S.L. 2007. [Infectious canine hepatitis: 62 cases.] Hepatite infecciosa canina: 62 casos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(8):325-332. Departamento de Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105-900 Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. E-mail: Necropsy reports from 5,361 dogs necropsied over a 43-year period (1964-2006) were reviewed in search for cases of infectious canine hepatitis (ICH). Sixty two (1.2%) cases of the disease were found. Most of the 62 affected dogs (91.9%,) were 2-year-old or less. Clinical signs were recorded in the necropsy files of 45 ICH affected dogs and included anorexia (55.6%), apathy (35.6%), diarrhea (35.6%) (often with blood [43,8%]), neurological signs (33.3%), vomiting (26.7%), petechiae and echymosis in the mucous membranes and/or skin (24.4%), hypothermia (20.0%), abdominal pain (15.6%), icterus (13.3%), enlargement and congestion of the tonsils (11.1%), fever (11.1%) and ascites (6.7%). The clinical courses lasted from few hours to 15 days. The most frequent necropsy findings included hepatic changes (87.1%), edematous, congested and hemorrhagic lymph nodes (51.6%), bloodstained fluid, clear fluid or whole blood in the abdominal cavity (35.5%), and petechial or paint-brush hemorrhages over the pleural (27.4%) and gastrointestinal (24.2%) serosal surfaces. In 12.9% of the cases there was a granularity to the intestinal serosa. Hemorrhages in the leptomeninges and in the substance of the brain were observed in 9.7% of the cases. Hepatic gross changes included moderately enlarged and more friable livers with marked lobular pattern, congestion and multifocal pale or hemorrhagic foci of necrosis. Films and strands of fibrin covered the hepatic surface in 20.4% of the cases and in 27.8% of the cases the gall bladder was thickened by edema. Zonal or randomly distributed multifocal hepatic necrosis (93.5%) associated with intranuclear inclusion bodies were the most consistent microscopic findings. Intranuclear inclusion bodies were found in the liver in every case and their detection was the criterium for confirmation of the diagnosis. The most significant microscopic extra-hepatic lesions included hemorrhages and intranuclear inclusion bodies in endothelial and reticuloendothelial cells of the renal glomeruli (50.0%) lymph nodes (47.8%), brain (27.8%), tonsils (25.0%) and spleen (10.0%).

#33 - Aspectos clinicopatológicos de 620 casos neurológicos de cinomose em cães, 215-220

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Silva M.C., Fighera R.A., Brum J.S., Graça D.L., Kommers G.D., Irigoyen L.F. & Barros C.S.L. 2007. [Clinicopathological features in 620 neurological cases of canine distemper.] Aspectos clinicopatológicos de 620 casos neurológicos de cinomose em cães. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(5):215-220. Departamento de Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105-900 Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. E-mail: The files of 5,361 necropsies performed in dogs in the Veterinary Pathology Laboratory of the Federal University of Santa Maria during 1965-2006 were reviewed in search of cases of canine distemper. Six hundred and eighty three cases (12.7%) of the disease were found, 620 of which had neurological signs. From those 620, the following data on each case were retrieved: age, clinical signs, histopathology and concomitance or not of another disease. Age groups were classified as puppies (up to 1 year of age), adults (from 1 to 9 years) and aged (from 10 years on). In 565 out of the 620 (91.1%) neurological cases of canine distemper, histopathological brain changes were observed and in 554 of those 565 the age was registered in the files with following age group distribution: 45.9% of puppies, 51.4% of adults, and 2.7% of aged dogs. Neurological clinical signs encompassed a large spectrum of motor, postural and behavioral disturbances which could occur together or individually. Most frequent clinical signs were myoclonus (38.4%), motor incoordination (25.0%), seizures (18.5%), and paraplegia (13.4%). In 98.4% of the 565 dogs with histopathological changes in the brain demyelination, non-suppurative encephalitis or a combination of these two were found. Intranuclear eosinophilic inclusion bodies were observed in different brain cells of 343 of the 565 dogs with histopathological changes. In 170 (49.6%) the cellular type bearing the inclusions was not mentioned in the file and in the remaining cases the inclusions were seen in astrocytes (94.8% of the cases), neurons (3.5%), oligodendrocytes (1.1%), and ependyma cells (0.6%). Taking in consideration the type of lesions and the age groups, cases with combined demyelination and non-suppurative encephalitis occurred in 40.0% of the puppies, 51.2% of the adult dogs and 72.7% of the aged dogs. Demyelination alone occurred in 48.4% of the puppies, 41.3% of the adults and in 35.7% of the aged dogs. Non-suppurative encephalitis alone occurred 11.6% of the puppies, 7.5% of the adults and in 7.1% of the aged dogs.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Silva M.C., Fighera R.A., Brum J.S., Graça D.L., Kommers G.D., Irigoyen L.F. & Barros C.S.L. 2007. [Clinicopathological features in 620 neurological cases of canine distemper.] Aspectos clinicopatológicos de 620 casos neurológicos de cinomose em cães. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(5):215-220. Departamento de Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105-900 Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. E-mail: The files of 5,361 necropsies performed in dogs in the Veterinary Pathology Laboratory of the Federal University of Santa Maria during 1965-2006 were reviewed in search of cases of canine distemper. Six hundred and eighty three cases (12.7%) of the disease were found, 620 of which had neurological signs. From those 620, the following data on each case were retrieved: age, clinical signs, histopathology and concomitance or not of another disease. Age groups were classified as puppies (up to 1 year of age), adults (from 1 to 9 years) and aged (from 10 years on). In 565 out of the 620 (91.1%) neurological cases of canine distemper, histopathological brain changes were observed and in 554 of those 565 the age was registered in the files with following age group distribution: 45.9% of puppies, 51.4% of adults, and 2.7% of aged dogs. Neurological clinical signs encompassed a large spectrum of motor, postural and behavioral disturbances which could occur together or individually. Most frequent clinical signs were myoclonus (38.4%), motor incoordination (25.0%), seizures (18.5%), and paraplegia (13.4%). In 98.4% of the 565 dogs with histopathological changes in the brain demyelination, non-suppurative encephalitis or a combination of these two were found. Intranuclear eosinophilic inclusion bodies were observed in different brain cells of 343 of the 565 dogs with histopathological changes. In 170 (49.6%) the cellular type bearing the inclusions was not mentioned in the file and in the remaining cases the inclusions were seen in astrocytes (94.8% of the cases), neurons (3.5%), oligodendrocytes (1.1%), and ependyma cells (0.6%). Taking in consideration the type of lesions and the age groups, cases with combined demyelination and non-suppurative encephalitis occurred in 40.0% of the puppies, 51.2% of the adult dogs and 72.7% of the aged dogs. Demyelination alone occurred in 48.4% of the puppies, 41.3% of the adults and in 35.7% of the aged dogs. Non-suppurative encephalitis alone occurred 11.6% of the puppies, 7.5% of the adults and in 7.1% of the aged dogs.

#34 - Intoxicação por Ramaria flavo-brunnescens (Clavariaceae) em bovinos

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Barros R.R., Irigoyen L.F., Kommers G.D., Rech R.R., Fighera R.A. & Barros C.S.L. 2006. [Poisoning by Ramaria flavo-brunnescens (Clavariaceae) in cattle.] Intoxicação por Ramaria flavo-brunnescens (Clavariaceae) em bovinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 26(2):87-96. Departamento de Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105-900 Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. E-mail: Two oubreaks of poisoning by the mushroom Ramaria flavo-brunnescens are reported in cattle from two farms located in the municipalities of Santa Maria and São Gabriel, state of Rio Grande do Sul, during April-May 2005. Out of a total of 180 yearling calves that had access to a pasture with eucalyptus woods, 19 were affected and 10 died. The clinical courses were 8-15 days and clinical signs included depression, weight loss, dehydration, drooling, loosening and loss of the long hairs of the tip of the tail, smoothening of the dorsal surface of the tongue with occasional ulceration, loosening of the corneal encasement of horns, hard and ball-shaped feces covered with a film of mucous, hypopion, hyphema and corneal opacity. Two calves had leucocytosis due to mild regenerative left shift. Nine calves were necropsied. Necropsy findings confirmed the clinical observation and additionaly included fibrinonecrotic esophagitis, mainly in the distal third of the esophageal mucosa. Histopathological changes in the skin of the tail included orthokeratotic hyperkeratosis; hair folicles with irregular contours, thickening of the tricolemmal keratin layer with occasional formation of keratin plugs, and degeneration and necrosis of the outer root sheath. At the laminar region of the hooves, there was hyperplasia of the top of epidermal laminae with irregular keratinization and retention of nuclei; several epidermal laminae were shortened and fused. There was hemorrhage, fibrin and neutrophilic infiltrate in the dermal laminae. In the mucosa of the tongue there was thinning of the covering epithelium, atrophy and loss of filiform papillae, multifocal areas of dyskeratosis, and spongiosis of the basal cell layer. In some parts the epithelium was lost and the surface consisted of granulation tissue and mixed inflammatory cell infiltrate. The esophageal mucosae of six calves had varying degree of epithelial necrosis and inflammation. The loss of the covering epithelium revealed an underneath area of granulation tissue with heavy inflammatory infiltrate composed predominantly of neutrophils and macrophages. In six calves there were focal symmetric bilateral areas of malacia observed at the level of obex in the medulla oblongata and affecting the white matter and parts of the dorsal nucleus of the vagus and of the hypoglossal nucleus. The epidemiology, clinical signs, pathology, and pathogenesis of poisoning by R. flavo-brunnescens in cattle are discussed.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Barros R.R., Irigoyen L.F., Kommers G.D., Rech R.R., Fighera R.A. & Barros C.S.L. 2006. [Poisoning by Ramaria flavo-brunnescens (Clavariaceae) in cattle.] Intoxicação por Ramaria flavo-brunnescens (Clavariaceae) em bovinos. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 26(2):87-96. Departamento de Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105-900 Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. E-mail: Two oubreaks of poisoning by the mushroom Ramaria flavo-brunnescens are reported in cattle from two farms located in the municipalities of Santa Maria and São Gabriel, state of Rio Grande do Sul, during April-May 2005. Out of a total of 180 yearling calves that had access to a pasture with eucalyptus woods, 19 were affected and 10 died. The clinical courses were 8-15 days and clinical signs included depression, weight loss, dehydration, drooling, loosening and loss of the long hairs of the tip of the tail, smoothening of the dorsal surface of the tongue with occasional ulceration, loosening of the corneal encasement of horns, hard and ball-shaped feces covered with a film of mucous, hypopion, hyphema and corneal opacity. Two calves had leucocytosis due to mild regenerative left shift. Nine calves were necropsied. Necropsy findings confirmed the clinical observation and additionaly included fibrinonecrotic esophagitis, mainly in the distal third of the esophageal mucosa. Histopathological changes in the skin of the tail included orthokeratotic hyperkeratosis; hair folicles with irregular contours, thickening of the tricolemmal keratin layer with occasional formation of keratin plugs, and degeneration and necrosis of the outer root sheath. At the laminar region of the hooves, there was hyperplasia of the top of epidermal laminae with irregular keratinization and retention of nuclei; several epidermal laminae were shortened and fused. There was hemorrhage, fibrin and neutrophilic infiltrate in the dermal laminae. In the mucosa of the tongue there was thinning of the covering epithelium, atrophy and loss of filiform papillae, multifocal areas of dyskeratosis, and spongiosis of the basal cell layer. In some parts the epithelium was lost and the surface consisted of granulation tissue and mixed inflammatory cell infiltrate. The esophageal mucosae of six calves had varying degree of epithelial necrosis and inflammation. The loss of the covering epithelium revealed an underneath area of granulation tissue with heavy inflammatory infiltrate composed predominantly of neutrophils and macrophages. In six calves there were focal symmetric bilateral areas of malacia observed at the level of obex in the medulla oblongata and affecting the white matter and parts of the dorsal nucleus of the vagus and of the hypoglossal nucleus. The epidemiology, clinical signs, pathology, and pathogenesis of poisoning by R. flavo-brunnescens in cattle are discussed.

#35 - Febre catarral maligna em bovinos no Rio Grande do Sul: transmissão experimental para bovinos e caracterização do agente etiológico

Abstract in English:

Garmatz S.L., Irigoyen L.F., Rech R.R., Brown C.C., Zhang J. & Barros C.S.L. 2004. [Malignant catarrhal fever in cattle in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: Experimental transmission to cattle and characterization of the etiological agent.] Febre catarral maligna em bovinos no Rio Grande do Sul: transmissão experimental para bovinos e caracterização do agente etiológico. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 24(2):93-106. Depto Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105-900 Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. E-mail: Two oubreaks of malignant catarrhal fever (MCF) occurring in cattle on two farms (A and B) in the municipality of Santiago, state of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Brazil, and the transmission of the disease to susceptible calves as well as the detection of ovine herpesvirus-2 (OvHV-2) in tissues of affected cattle are reported. The two epizootics occurred from November 2001 to February 2002 (Farm A) and in January-February 2003 (Farm B). Numbers of cattle at risk, morbidity and letality rates were respectively 170, 10.59% and 83.33% for Farm A and 500, 2.4% and 100% for Farm B. Contact between affected cattle and sheep was detected in both farms, but lambing ewes were present only in farm A. Duration of clinical courses, gross findings and histopathology were the same for the affected cattle in both farms. Most affected cattle died or were euthanatized in extremis after a clinical course of 2-8 days. Clinical signs included fever (40.5 and 41.5°C), nasal and ocular discharge, corneal opacity, conjunctivitis, drooling, erosions and ulcerations of the mucosae, diarrhea, hematuria, and neurological disturbances. Eleven necropsies (9 on Farm A, 2 on Farm B) were performed. Gross lesions included erosions and ulcers affecting the mucosae of nasal turbinates, oral cavity, gastrointestinal and urogenital tracts; hemorrhage and necrosis of the tip of the buccal papillae, lymph node enlargement, multifocal white foci in renal cortex, and hyperemia of leptomeninges. Microscopically, there were arteritis and fibrinoid degeneration in medium and small arteries and arterioles of multiple organs and tissues, necrosis and inflammation in several mucosal surfaces, keratitis, conjunctivitis, uveitis, intersticial nephritis, and encephalitis. Transmission experiments were attempted in five calves (E1-E5) by inocculating each of them intravenously with 500 ml of whole heparinized blood from a MCF affected cow. The transmission was suscessful in at least three (E1-E3) of the experimental calves which became sick after an incubation period of 15-27 days. Four experimental calves either died or were euthanatized in extremis after a clinical course which varied from 3 days to 8 weeks. The remaining experimental calf (E5) recovered from a mild disease and was euthanatized 14 weeks after inocculation. Necropsies were performed in all five calves. Clinical signs, necropsy and histopathological findings of three calves (E1-E3) were characteristic of MCF. OvHV-2 viral DNA was detected by the polimerase chain reaction (PCR) test in paraffin embedded tissues from seven cattle out of the 11 spontaneous MCF cases and from three experimental calves (E1-E3). PCR tests resulted negative in the remaining four of the 11 spontaneous MCF cases tested and in two (E4,E5) of the five experimental calves. Immunohistochemistry performed in sections of lymphoid tissue from calf E4 failed to detect BVD virus antigen. The experimental transmission of MCF and the characterization of the etiological agent as OvHV-2 were successfully attempted in cattle for the first time in Brazil.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Garmatz S.L., Irigoyen L.F., Rech R.R., Brown C.C., Zhang J. & Barros C.S.L. 2004. [Malignant catarrhal fever in cattle in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: Experimental transmission to cattle and characterization of the etiological agent.] Febre catarral maligna em bovinos no Rio Grande do Sul: transmissão experimental para bovinos e caracterização do agente etiológico. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 24(2):93-106. Depto Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97105-900 Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. E-mail: Two oubreaks of malignant catarrhal fever (MCF) occurring in cattle on two farms (A and B) in the municipality of Santiago, state of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Brazil, and the transmission of the disease to susceptible calves as well as the detection of ovine herpesvirus-2 (OvHV-2) in tissues of affected cattle are reported. The two epizootics occurred from November 2001 to February 2002 (Farm A) and in January-February 2003 (Farm B). Numbers of cattle at risk, morbidity and letality rates were respectively 170, 10.59% and 83.33% for Farm A and 500, 2.4% and 100% for Farm B. Contact between affected cattle and sheep was detected in both farms, but lambing ewes were present only in farm A. Duration of clinical courses, gross findings and histopathology were the same for the affected cattle in both farms. Most affected cattle died or were euthanatized in extremis after a clinical course of 2-8 days. Clinical signs included fever (40.5 and 41.5°C), nasal and ocular discharge, corneal opacity, conjunctivitis, drooling, erosions and ulcerations of the mucosae, diarrhea, hematuria, and neurological disturbances. Eleven necropsies (9 on Farm A, 2 on Farm B) were performed. Gross lesions included erosions and ulcers affecting the mucosae of nasal turbinates, oral cavity, gastrointestinal and urogenital tracts; hemorrhage and necrosis of the tip of the buccal papillae, lymph node enlargement, multifocal white foci in renal cortex, and hyperemia of leptomeninges. Microscopically, there were arteritis and fibrinoid degeneration in medium and small arteries and arterioles of multiple organs and tissues, necrosis and inflammation in several mucosal surfaces, keratitis, conjunctivitis, uveitis, intersticial nephritis, and encephalitis. Transmission experiments were attempted in five calves (E1-E5) by inocculating each of them intravenously with 500 ml of whole heparinized blood from a MCF affected cow. The transmission was suscessful in at least three (E1-E3) of the experimental calves which became sick after an incubation period of 15-27 days. Four experimental calves either died or were euthanatized in extremis after a clinical course which varied from 3 days to 8 weeks. The remaining experimental calf (E5) recovered from a mild disease and was euthanatized 14 weeks after inocculation. Necropsies were performed in all five calves. Clinical signs, necropsy and histopathological findings of three calves (E1-E3) were characteristic of MCF. OvHV-2 viral DNA was detected by the polimerase chain reaction (PCR) test in paraffin embedded tissues from seven cattle out of the 11 spontaneous MCF cases and from three experimental calves (E1-E3). PCR tests resulted negative in the remaining four of the 11 spontaneous MCF cases tested and in two (E4,E5) of the five experimental calves. Immunohistochemistry performed in sections of lymphoid tissue from calf E4 failed to detect BVD virus antigen. The experimental transmission of MCF and the characterization of the etiological agent as OvHV-2 were successfully attempted in cattle for the first time in Brazil.

#36 - Spontaneous poisoning by the burs of Xanthium cavanillesii (Asteraceae) in cattle in Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil, 19(1):12-18

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Driemeier D., Irigoyen L.F., Loretti A.P., Colodel E.M. & Barros C.S.L. 1999. [Spontaneous poisoning by the burs of Xanthium cavanillesii (Asteraceae) in cattle in Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil.] Intoxicação espontânea pelos frutos de Xanthium cavanillesii em bovinos no Rio Grande do Sul. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 19(1):12-18. Depto Patologia Clínica Veterinária, Faculdade de Veterinária, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Av. Bento Gonçalves 9090, Cx. Postal 15094, Porto Alegre, RS 91540-000, Brazil. Two outbreaks of Xanthium cavanillesii poisoning in feedlot cattle in the counties of Casca and Cachoeira do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil, are described. The disease occurred on two farms in late April and mid August 1996. On one farm, 17 heifers out of 310 cattle died. On the other, 11 out of 83 yearling calves died. Clinical sigos included depression, anorexia, progressive dehydration, sunken eyes, tenesmus and slight rectal prolapse, muscle tremors, incoordination of gait, blindness, aggressivity and recumbency. Blindness was presente in the terminal stages prior to death that occurred within 3 to 24 hours after the onset of the clinical signs. Necropsy findings included accentuation of the lobular pattern of the liver with pinpoint hemorrhages on capsular and cut surfaces; perirenal edema, hydropericardium, and translucent and gelatinous edema of the gall bladder wall, mesentery, abomasal ligaments and folds. The feces were scant, dry and formed balis coated by mucus and streaks of clotted blood. There were widespread petechiae, ecchymoses and suffusions. Burs of X. cavanillesii were found mixed with the solid and dried contents of the rumen and reticulum. The main histopathological findings were marked centrilobular coagulative hepatocellular necrosis associated with congestion and hemorrhages, surrounded or not by a narrow rim of markedly swollen and vesicular hepatocytes. The animals were being fed with whole or milled leftovers from soybean crops contaminated with large amounts of burs of X. cavanillesii. Deaths stopped after the feeding with the soybean leftovers was discountinued. The diagnosis was based on epidemiological data, clinical sigos, necropsy findings, histological lesions and experimental reproduction of the toxicosis in cattle and sheep. The morphology and pathogenesis of the hepatic lesion and the clinical and pathological aspects of the toxicosis are discussed and compared with other reports of Xanthium spp poisoning and other acute hepatotoxicoses in cattle.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Driemeier D., Irigoyen L.F., Loretti A.P., Colodel E.M. & Barros C.S.L. 1999. [Spontaneous poisoning by the burs of Xanthium cavanillesii (Asteraceae) in cattle in Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil.] Intoxicação espontânea pelos frutos de Xanthium cavanillesii em bovinos no Rio Grande do Sul. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 19(1):12-18. Depto Patologia Clínica Veterinária, Faculdade de Veterinária, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Av. Bento Gonçalves 9090, Cx. Postal 15094, Porto Alegre, RS 91540-000, Brazil. Descreve-se a ocorrência de dois surtos de intoxicação espontânea de bovinos pelos frutos de Xanthium cavanillesii em dois estabelecimentos dos municípios de Casca e Cachoeira do Sul, RS, no final de abril e meados de agosto de 1996. Em um dos estabelecimentos, morreram 17 novilhas de um total de 310 bovinos e no outro, morreram 11 de um total de 83 terneiros de 12 a 18 meses de idade. O curso clínico variou de 3 a 24 horas e caracterizou-se por apatia, anorexia, desidratação progressiva, retração dos globos oculares, tenesmo associado a discreto prolapso retal, tremores musculares, incoordenação motora, agressividade, decúbito, cegueira na fase terminal, e morte. As principais lesões macroscópicas nos animais necropsiados incluíam fígado com acentuação do padrão lobular e hemorragias puntiformes na superfície capsular e de corte; hidropericárdio, edema gelatinoso e translúcido na parede da vesícula biliar, no mesentério, nos ligamentos e dobras do abomaso e na região perirrenal; fezes ressequidas, em pequena quantidade, sob a forma de esferas e recobertas por muco e estrias de sangue coagulado; petéquias, equimoses e sufusões disseminadas em diferentes tecidos e órgãos; e frutos de X. cavanillesii misturados a conteúdo firme e ressecado do rúmen e do retículo. A principal lesão microscópica consistia em acentuada necrose coagulativa hepatocelular centrolobular associada à congestão e hemorragias, circundadas ou não por uma estreita faixa de hepatócitos marcadamente tumefeitos e vesiculares. Nas propriedades, os bovinos confinados eram alimentados com resíduo de lavoura de soja, inteiro ou moído, contaminado acidentalmente por grande quantidade de frutos de X. cavanillesii. Após a retirada do resíduo da suplementação alimentar desses animais, as mortes cessaram. O diagnóstico baseou-se em dados epidemiológicos, clínicos, de necropsia e histopatológicos e na reprodução experimental da enfermidade em bovinos e ovinos. A morfologia e a patogenia da lesão hepática e o quadro clínico-patológico observados são discutidos e comparados com outros relatos de intoxicação por Xanthium spp descritos na literatura e com outras hepatotoxicoses agudas em bovinos.

#37 - Ultrastructural observation of the airways of recovered and susceptible pigs after inoculation with Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae, 18(1):1-7

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Irigoyen L.F., Van Alstine W, Turek j. & Clark L.K. 1998. Ultrastructural observation of the airways of recovered and susceptible pigs after inoculation with Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae. [Observação ultra-estrutural das vias aéreas de suínos recuperados e suscetíveis após inoculação com Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae.] Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 18(1):1-7. Depto Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Campus Camobi, Santa Maria, RS 97119-900, Brazil. To determine the morphological differences in the epithelium of the airways of recovered and susceptible pigs after Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae challenge, twenty-four 4-week-old M. hyopneumoniae-free pigs were intratracheally inoculated with 107ccu/ml of a pure low-passaged culture of the P5722-3 strain of M. hyopneumoniae challenge material. Eight pigs (group I) were challenged at the beginning of the experiment and rechallenged 3 months late 1: Group II pigs were also challenged at the beginning of the experiment and necropsied 3 months later: Group III pigs were challenged at the sarne time as the rechallenge of group I pigs. Eight nonchallenged pigs served as contrais (group IV). Three days after the second challenge of group I and the first challenge of group III, and every 3 and 4 days thereafter, two pigs from each group were euthanatized by electrocution and necropsied. Samples of bronchi and lung tissue were examined using light and electron microscopy (SEM and TEM). Macroscopic lesions were observed in the lungs of all group III pigs (average = 4.74%) and were characterized by purple-red areas of discoloration and increased firmness affecting the cranioventral aspect of the lungs. Macroscopic lesions of pneumonia in groups I and II were minimal (less than 1%). There were no gross lesions of pneumonia in contrai (group IV) pigs. Microscopic lesions were characterized by hyperplasia of the peribronchial lymphoid tissue and mild neutrophilic infiltrates in alveoli. Electron microscopy showed patchy areas with loss of cilia and presence of leukocytes and mycoplasmas in bronchi of susceptible pigs (group III). The bronchial epithelium of rechallenged (group I), recovered (group II), and control (group IV) pigs was ultrastructurally similar indicating recovery of the former two groups. Although mycoplasmas were seen among cilia, a second challenge on pigs of group I did not produce another episode of the disease nor did it enhance morphological changes, suggesting that those pigs could become carriers of M. hyopneumoniae.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Irigoyen L.F., Van Alstine W, Turek j. & Clark L.K. 1998. Ultrastructural observation of the airways of recovered and susceptible pigs after inoculation with Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae. [Observação ultra-estrutural das vias aéreas de suínos recuperados e suscetíveis após inoculação com Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae.] Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 18(1):1-7. Depto Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Campus Camobi, Santa Maria, RS 97119-900, Brazil. Para determinar as diferenças morfológicas no epitélio das vias aéreas de suínos suscetíveis e recuperados da infecção por Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae, 24 leitões com 4 semanas de idade, livres de infecção por M. hyopneumoniae, foram inoculados intratraquealmente com material contendo 107ccu/ml de cultura pura da cepa P5722- 3 de M. hyopneumoniae. Oito leitões (grupo I) foram inoculados no início do experimento e reinoculados 3 meses mais tarde, após apresentarem a doença e terem se recuperado. Os oito leitões do grupo II foram também inoculados no início do experimento e necropsiados 3 meses depois. Os leitões do grupo III foram inoculados ao mesmo tempo da reinoculação dos leitões do grupo I. Oito leitões não inoculados serviram como controles (grupo IV). Três dias após a reinoculação dos leitões do grupo I e a inoculação do grupo III e, a partir disso, a cada 2 dias, dois leitões de cada grupo foram sacrificados e necropsiados. Segmentos de brônquios e pulmão foram examinados em microscopia ótica e microscopia eletrônica de transmissão e de varredura. Lesões macroscópicas foram observadas nos pulmões de todos os leitões do grupo III (média: 4.74% da superfície) e eram caracterizadas por áreas firmes e avermelhadas nas porções cranioventrais. Lesões macroscópicas semelhantes foram mínimas em pulmões de leitões dos grupos I e II (menos de 1%) e grupo IV. As lesões microscópicas consistiam de hiperplasia do tecido linfóide peribronquial e infiltrado neutrofilico leve nos alvéolos. Na microscopia eletrônica havia lesões focais no epitélio ciliado, caracterizadas por perda de cílios e descamação de células, e presença de leucócitos e micoplasmas nos brônquios de leitões suscetíveis (grupo III). O epitélio bronquial de leitões reinoculados (grupo I), recuperados (grupo II) e controles (grupo IV) era ultraestruturalmente similar, indicando recuperação nos primeiros dois grupos. Embora micoplasmas tenham sido observados entre cilios, uma segunda inoculação em leitões do grupo I não causou outro episódio da doença nem aumentou as alterações morfológicas nos brônquios, sugerindo que esses leitões podem se tornar portadores de micoplasmas.

#38 - Arterial diffuse intimal thickening associated with enzootic calcinosis of sheep, 18(1):9-15

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Vasconcelos R.O., Barros S.S., Russowski D., Grando S.M. & Irigoyen L.F. 1998. Arterial diffuse intimal thickening associated with enzootic calcinosis of sheep. [Espessamento intimal difuso das artérias na calcinose enzoótica dos ovinos.] Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 18(1):9-15. Oepto Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97119-900 Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. Morphometric, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural studies were carried out on the diffuse intimal thickening (DIT) in arteries of 7 sheep with clinical signs of naturally occurring enzootic calcinosis dueto ingestion of the plant Nierembergia veitchii. Arterial lesions consisted of medial deposition of calcium salts and DIT. Calcification of the intima was rare, mild and located near the elastic lamina. By immunohistochemistry a-actin was detected in cells of the media and in cells forming the intimal thickening. Receptors for 1,25(OH)2 vitamin O3 were detected in nuclei of intimal, medial and endothelial cells. DIT was irregularly distributed and was neither proportionally related to the intensity of the underlying mineralization area nor to the thickening of the remaining media. Ultrastructural morphometry in smooth muscle cells (SMCs) of the media and thickened intima revealed, in the latter, an increase of 318% in the volumetric fraction of those organelles involved in synthesis and a proportional decrease in contractile elements when compared to normal values of media cells. There were histological and ultrastructural evidences of modification of SMCs and their migration to the intima, where they proliferated causing DIT. It was concluded that DIT is a consistent component of arteriosclerotic lesions in N. veitchii induced calcinosis of sheep and that the predominant cell in this process is the SMCs originated from its predecessor of the media. It is suggested that the inducing factor for the arterial changes is 1,25(0H)2 03 present in N. veitchii.

Abstract in Portuguese:

RESUMO.- Vasconcelos R.O., Barros S.S., Russowski D., Grando S.M. & Irigoyen L.F. 1998. Arterial diffuse intimal thickening associated with enzootic calcinosis of sheep. [Espessamento intimal difuso das artérias na calcinose enzoótica dos ovinos.] Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 18(1):9-15. Oepto Patologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 97119-900 Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. Foram feitos estudos morfométrico, imunoistoquímico e ultra-estrutural do espessamento intimal difuso (DIT) das artérias de 7 ovinos com sinais clínicos de calcinose enzoótica espontânea causada pela ingestão da planta Nierembergia veitchii. As lesões caracterizavam-se por deposição de sais de cálcio na média como placas e estrias que, com frequência faziam saliência para a luz, criando rugosidades e irregularidades da íntima. Não foram observadas calcificações na artéria pulmonar e no sistema venoso. Microscopicamente, as calcificações das artérias restringiam-se quase que exclusivamente à média. Na imunoistoquimica, foi verificada a-actina nas células da média e nas do espessamento intimal. Receptores para 1,25(OH)2D3 foram evidenciados nos núcleos das células musculares da média, da íntima e das células endoteliais. As análises morfométricas em microscopia ótica revelaram, nas artérias, DIT irregularmente distribuído sem relação com a intensidade dos processos de calcificação subjacente nem com a espessura da média remanescente. A morfometria das alterações ultra-estruturais das células musculares lisas da média e da íntima espessada, m intimal ostrou que nessas últimas foi verificado aumento de até 318% na fração volumétrica das organelas de síntese em detrimento dos elementos contráteis, quando comparados com os valores das células da média. Essas modificações indicam a transformação das células musculares lisas de um tipo contrátil para células de tipo sintético. Entre essses dois extremos foram evidenciadas diversas formas intermediárias. Foram observadas evidências histológicas e ultra-estruturais da transformação e migração de células da média através das fenestras da lâmina elástica interna, para a íntima, onde proliferam e formam o DIT. Foi concluído que o DIT é um componente constante nas lesões arterioscleróticas nas calcinoses dos ovinos induzidas pela planta N. veitchii e que as células predominantes são células musculares lisas provenientes de predecessoras da média. Foi constatado que o DIT só excepcionalmente apresenta calcificação, vascularização, presença de células espumosas e fendas de colesterol. Não foram vistas áreas de necrose. Sugere-se que o fator indutor das alterações arteriais é o 1,25(OH)zD3 contido em N. veitchii.

#39 - Experimental poisoning by Cassia occidentalis (Leg. Caes). in horses

Abstract in English:

In experimental studies seven 12 to 30 year old horses were force-fed through a nasoesophagic tube with ground Cassia occidentalis seeds admixed in water. Four horses died after receiving seeds corresponding to 1.5, 1.75 and 2g of seeds per kg (respectively 0.15, 0.175 and 0.2 per cent) of their body weight. A fifth horse was killed in extremis after receiving 3g of seeds per kg of body weight. The clinical disease induced by the plant in these five horses had a course of 4 to 96 hours and included signs of depression, muscle tremors, incoordinated and swaying gait, tachycardia, dyspnea and increase in serum leveis of creatine phosphokinase, aspartate transaminase and gamma glutamyl transferase. The main necropsy f"mdings included a swollen liver with marked lobular pattern in the natural surface and a nutmeg aspect of the cut surface; reddening of the intestinal mucosa; hemorrhages in the adrenal glands; suffusions and hemorrhages in the epi- and endocardium; pulmonary congestion and edema. Histologically there was hepatocellular degeneration and necrosis associated, in some cases, with polimorphonuclear neutrophylic infiltrates. The skeletal muscles had variable degrees of degenerative and necrotic lesions. The clinic-pathological alterations observed in these five horses suggest hepatotoxic and myotoxic principies in the C. occidentalis seeds, and a cumulative effect in those animals which were exposed to doses over 1.75g/kg of their body weight, fractioned up to eigth administrations. Two horses to which 1 and 2g of the seeds per kg were fed, survived. The horse which received 1g of the ground seeds per kg presented a mild muscular disfunction and recovered completely. These two horses were killed for post-mortem examination 30 days after they had received the last administration of seeds. Necropsy findings were negative, and no lesions which could be attributed to the effects of the plant were observed on histopathological examination.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Num estudo experimental sete eqüinos com idades entre 12 e 30 anos receberam, via sonda naso-esofágica, sementes de Cassia occidentalis, trituradas e misturadas com água. Quatro eqüinos morreram após receberem 1,5, 1,75 e 2g de sementes por kg de seu peso corporal. Um quinto eqüino foi sacrificado in extremis após ter recebido 3g de sementes por kg. A doença induzida pela planta nesses cinco eqüinos teve uma evolução de 4 a 96 horas e incluía sinais clínicos tais como: abatimento, tremores musculares, incoordenação motora, andar cambaleante, taquicardia, dispnéia e elevação dos níveis séricos das enzimas creatina fosfoquinase, aspartato transaminase e gama glutamiltransferase. Os achados de necropsia mais importantes foram fígado tumefeito e com acentuação do padrão lobular na superfície natural e aspecto de noz moscada na superfície de corte; aver- melhamento da mucosa intestinal; hemorragias na superfície de corte das adrenais; hemorragias subepicárdicas e subendocárdicas; congestão e edema pulmonar. Histologicamente, havia degeneração e necrose hepatocelulares acompanhadas, em alguns casos, por infiltrado polimorfonuclear neutrofílico. Na musculatura esquelética havia lesões degenerativas e necróticas em graus variáveis. As alterações clínico-patológicas apresentadas por esses cinco eqüinos, sugerem uma ação hepatotóxica e miotóxica dos princípios químicos contidos nas sementes, bem como um efeito acumulativo nos animais que receberam dosagens acima de 1,75g/kg repartidas em até oito administrações. Dois eqüinos que receberam 1 e 2g de sementes por kg do peso corporal, sobreviveram. O eqüino que recebeu 1g/kg, apresentou leve disfunção muscular e recuperou-se completamente. Esses dois eqüinos foram sacrificados e necropsiados 30 dias após a última administração das sementes. À necropsia e exame histopatológico não se evidenciaram lesões macro e microscópicas que pudessem ser associadas à planta.

#40 - Cassia occidentalis (Leg. Caes.) poisoning in cattle

Abstract in English:

An outbreak of spontaneous poisoning -by Cassia occidentaüs in cattle and the experimental reproduction of thê disease in calves are described. In the natural occurring disease, 37 bovines of four farms in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, died several days after they had been introduced to a diet which included ground·sorghum contaminated by 10% of C. occidentalis seeds. The affected animals presented an afebrile disease characterized by diarrhea and muscle weakness. There was incoordenation of gait, muscle tremors, reluctance to move, periods of sternal recumbency, lateral recumbency and death. Even in the stages of sternal recumbency, most of the affected animals remained bright and kept their appetite. The clinical course vaned from 1 to 2 weeks. Some animals which developed clinical sigos, but not recumbency, recovered. At necropsy of three bovines, pale areas of discolotation could be observed in the heavy muscles of the rump and thigh and a dark brown discoloration was present in the urine. Experimental reproduction of the disease was achieved in four calves. The contaminant C. occidentalis seeds present in the sorghum were manually separated, grounded, mixed with water and fed orally to calves 1 and 2 with a bottle, in ar total dosis of 10g/kg (1% of the body weight). Calf 1 received the plant in two administrations (8g/kg and 2g/kg) two days apart, and calf 2 received five consecutive daily doses of 0.2g/kg. Calves 3 and 4 received the sorghum contaminated with the Cassia seeds in the sarne way in which they were administered in the four farms where the problem occurred. A control calf received only the sorghum after it had been freed from the C. occidentalis seeds. Calves 1 and 2 died respectively 5 and 6 days after the first,administration ofthe plant, calf 3 after 12 days of being introduced to the contaminated sorghum ration, and calf 4 was sacrificed after 15 days of being on this sarne ration and when it presented overt clinical sigos of poisoning. The clinical disease in these 4 animals was very similar to the spontaneous outbreak. Diarrhea, muscular tremors, incoordination of gait, reluctancy to move, sternal recumbency, lateral recumbency and death were observed. Acceleration of respiratory movements and cardiac beats and marked increase in the serie CPK were observed in the terminal phases of the disease. At necropsy pale areas of discoloration were observed in1the skeletal muscles, mainly in those of the hind limbs. Pale areas, barely visible, were also present in the myocardium. The livers of calves 1 and 2 were swollen, light-brown and with slight nutmeg aspect of the cut surface. At light microscopy the more strildng lesions were presente in the skeletal muscles and were those of interstitital edema, swelling of fibers, hialine and flocular degeneration with rupture of fibers. The lesions in the myocardium were less marked and characterized by fine vacuolation of myocardial fibers. Diffuse degenerative changes were observed in the hepatic parenchyma of calves 1 and 2. At electron microscopic examination the fme vacuoles observed in the light microscopy in the myocardial fibers revealed to be swollen mitochondria. Electrodense inclusions and disruption of cristae were observed within these mitochondria. In the skeletal muscle various degrees of degenerative and necrotic changes were observed. The control calf was normal when sacrificed 30 days after the end of the experiment. At necropsy and upon histologic examination of various tissues including skeletal muscle and myocardium, no lesions were observed.

Abstract in Portuguese:

São descritos um surto espontâneo da intoxicação por Cassia occidentalis em bovinos e a reprodução experimental da doença nessa espécie. No surto espontâneo, 37 bovinos de quatro estabelecimentos rurais no Rio Grande do Sul morreram vários dias após terem sido introduzidos numa dieta que incluía grãos de sorgo contaminados por 10% de sementes de C. occidentalis. Os animais afetados apresentaram uma doença afebril caracterizada por diarréia e fraqueza muscular. Havia incoordenação, tremores musculares, relutância em mover-se, períodos de decúbito esternal, decúbito lateral e morte. Mesmo nos estágios de decúbito esternal, a maioria dos animais afetados permaneceu alerta e conservou o apetite. A evolução clínica variou entre 1 e 2 semanas. Alguns animais que desenvolveram sintomas, mas não decúbito, se recuperaram. À necropsia de três bovinos, áreas pálidas podiam ser observadas nos músculos da região glútea e da coxa; a urina tinha cor marron escura. A doença foi reproduzida experimentalmente em quatro terneiros. As sementes contaminantes de C. occidentalis presentes no sorgo foram manualmente separadas, moídas, misturadas em água e administradas oralmente através de garrafa aos terneiros 1 e 2, num total de 10g/kg (1 % do peso corporal) a cada terneiro. O terneiro 1 recebeu a planta em duas administrações (8g/kg e 2g/kg), com intervalo de dois dias entre as administrações e o temeiro 2 recebeu cinco administrações diárias consecutivas de 0,2g/kg. 0s terneiros 3 e 4 receberam o sorgo contaminado com as sementes de C. occidentalis, na mesma maneira em que era administrado rios quatro estabelecimentos onde o surto espontâneo ocorreu. Um bovino controle recebeu apenas o sorgo após terem sido retiradas as sementes de C. occidentalis. Os terneiros 1 e 2 morreram respectivamente 5 e 6 dias após a primeira administração da planta, o terneiro 3 após 12 dias do início da alimentação com sorgo contaminado por sementes de C. occidentalis e o temeiro 4 foi sacrificado após 15 dias. do início da alimentação com o mesmo sorgo contaminado e após estar apresentando sinais clínicos evidentes da intoxicação. A doença clínica nesses quatro animais foi muito semelhante à doença espontânea. Observaram-se diarréia, tremores musculares, andar incoordenado, relutância em mover-se, decúbito esternal, decúbito lateral e morte. Aumento da freqüência dos movimentos respiratórios e dos batimentos cardíacos e uma acentuada elevação nos níveis séticos de CPK foram observados nas fases finais da doença. À necropsia, áreas pálidas foram observadas nos músculos esqueléticos, principalmente nos músculos dos membros posteriores. Àreas pálidas, quase imperceptíveis, foram vistas também no miocárdio. Os fígados dos terneiros 1 e 2 estavam tumefeitos, marrom-claros e com moderado aspecto de noz-moscada à superfície de corte. À microscopia óptica as lesões mais evidentes estavam presentes nos músculos esqueléticos e se caracterizavam por edema intersticial, tumefação de fibras e degeneração flocular e hialina com ruptura de fibras. As lesões no miocárdio eram menos pronunciadas e se caracterizavam por fina vacuolização das fibras musculares. Lesões degenerativas difusas foram observadas no parenquima hepático dos temeiros 1 e 2. Ao exame ultrastrutural os pequenos vacúolos observados pela microscopia óptica nas fibras miocárdicas revelaram ser mitocôndrias tumefeitas. Inclusões eletrodensas e ruptura das cristas foram também observadas nessas mitocôndrias. Nos músculos esqueléticos, vários graus de alterações degenerativas e necróticas foram observadas. O terneiro controle estava normal quando sacrificado 30 dias após o término do experimento. À necropsia e ao exame histológico de vários tecidos, incluindo músculo esquelético e miocárdio, não foram observadas lesões.

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