Resultado da pesquisa (23)

Termo utilizado na pesquisa gestação

#21 - Caracterização das membranas fetais em búfalas no terço inicial da gestação, p.437-445

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- Barbosa P.L.G., Melnic R.V., Morini A.C., Martins D.S., Morini-Junior J.C., Pereira F.T.V., Franciolli A.L.R., Favaron P.O., Ambrósio C.E. & Miglino M.A. 2008. [Characterization of the fetal membranes in buffalo cows in the first three months of gestation.] Caracterização das membranas fetais em búfalas no terço inicial da gestação. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(9):437-445. Setor de Anatomia dos Animais Domésticos e Silvestres, Departamento de Cirurgia, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, Cidade Universitária, São Paulo, SP 05508-900, Brazil. E-mail: The aim of the study was to characterize the fetal membranes in buffalo cows (Bubalus bubalis, Linnaeus 1758) in the first 3 months of the gestation. The fetal membranes were analyzed gross and microscopically (light and ultrastructural analysis). The corion is a simple layer of circle cells, with spherical nucleus, named trofoblastics; there is another cellular type, named trophoblastic giant cells, with two or more nucleus. Both of them have many cytoplasmic and reticule endoplasmic vesicles on transmission electron microscopy. The allantoic has many vessels filled with eritrocytes, elongated cells which form a stratified simple epithelium. The amnion is transparent or sometimes whitish, consisting of a stratified simple epithelium. The main difference between the allantoic and amnion is that the latter is avascular. The yolk sac is an opaque membrane that disappears during gestation, and is the only membrane that is not in contact with the others; it presents three different types of cells which form three distinct layers (endoderm, mesothelium and mesenquimal).

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- Barbosa P.L.G., Melnic R.V., Morini A.C., Martins D.S., Morini-Junior J.C., Pereira F.T.V., Franciolli A.L.R., Favaron P.O., Ambrósio C.E. & Miglino M.A. 2008. [Characterization of the fetal membranes in buffalo cows in the first three months of gestation.] Caracterização das membranas fetais em búfalas no terço inicial da gestação. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(9):437-445. Setor de Anatomia dos Animais Domésticos e Silvestres, Departamento de Cirurgia, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, Cidade Universitária, São Paulo, SP 05508-900, Brazil. E-mail: The aim of the study was to characterize the fetal membranes in buffalo cows (Bubalus bubalis, Linnaeus 1758) in the first 3 months of the gestation. The fetal membranes were analyzed gross and microscopically (light and ultrastructural analysis). The corion is a simple layer of circle cells, with spherical nucleus, named trofoblastics; there is another cellular type, named trophoblastic giant cells, with two or more nucleus. Both of them have many cytoplasmic and reticule endoplasmic vesicles on transmission electron microscopy. The allantoic has many vessels filled with eritrocytes, elongated cells which form a stratified simple epithelium. The amnion is transparent or sometimes whitish, consisting of a stratified simple epithelium. The main difference between the allantoic and amnion is that the latter is avascular. The yolk sac is an opaque membrane that disappears during gestation, and is the only membrane that is not in contact with the others; it presents three different types of cells which form three distinct layers (endoderm, mesothelium and mesenquimal).

#22 - Produção de progesterona in vitro pelas células do corpo lúteo bovino ao longo da gestação, p.370-376

Abstract in English:

ABSTRACT.- La Paz M.N., Fonseca V.U., Campos D.B., Artoni L.P., Sousa L.M.M.C. & Papa P.C. 2007. [In vitro progesterone production from bovine corpus luteum throughout gestation.] Produção de progesterona in vitro pelas células do corpo lúteo bovino ao longo da gestação. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(9):370376. Setor de Anatomia, Departamento de Cirurgia, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques Paiva, 87, SP 05508-270, Brazil. E-mail: The aim was to test the hypothesis that cultivated bovine luteal cells from three different thirds of pregnancy behave the same way as in vivo luteal cells relative to P4 production. Corpus luteum samples from days 90 (n=3), 150 (n=3) and 210 (n=3) of pregnancy were obtained at a local slaughterhouse. Under aseptic conditions cells were mechanically dispersed and cultivated in a 96 wells-plate. After 24 hours of culture, cells were washed and the precursor pregnenolone was added. Experiments were conducted eight times for each studied time period (24, 48 and 96 h) and three times for each gestational age. Culture medium and cells were collected after 24, 48 and 96 hours of precursor addition and kept frozen at -20oC until processing. Progesterone was measured by RIA and protein content by Lowry’s method. Results were statistically analyzed and considered different when p <0.05. A higher P4 production was observed on day 90 of gestation (35.277±0.075), then this production was decreased at day 150 (28.820±0.231) and increased again at day 210 (32.777±0.099). After 24 hours of culture, luteal cells P4 production reached maximum values in the group of 90 days (2.912±0.047) when compared to 150 (2.669±0.137) and 210 days (2.741±0.088). At 48 and 96 hours of culture, bovine luteal cells from day 90 of gestation produced more P4 than cells from day 210 (2.934±0.029 and 2.976±0.121 respectively x 2.760±0.059 and 2.695±0.149, respectively; p<0.05), which in turn, produced more P4 than cells from day 150 (2.334±0.084 for 48 h and 2.205±0.136 for 96 h). Luteal cells from day 150 of gestation presented a decreasing P4 production throughout the 96 hours of culture. These differences could be explained by differential gene expression of enzymes and/or factors belonging to the esteroidogenic cascade in accordance to the gestational period. The established luteal cell culture model could be used for further functional studies once P4 secretion pattern in vitro resembled what occurs in vivo.

Abstract in Portuguese:

ABSTRACT.- La Paz M.N., Fonseca V.U., Campos D.B., Artoni L.P., Sousa L.M.M.C. & Papa P.C. 2007. [In vitro progesterone production from bovine corpus luteum throughout gestation.] Produção de progesterona in vitro pelas células do corpo lúteo bovino ao longo da gestação. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 27(9):370376. Setor de Anatomia, Departamento de Cirurgia, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques Paiva, 87, SP 05508-270, Brazil. E-mail: The aim was to test the hypothesis that cultivated bovine luteal cells from three different thirds of pregnancy behave the same way as in vivo luteal cells relative to P4 production. Corpus luteum samples from days 90 (n=3), 150 (n=3) and 210 (n=3) of pregnancy were obtained at a local slaughterhouse. Under aseptic conditions cells were mechanically dispersed and cultivated in a 96 wells-plate. After 24 hours of culture, cells were washed and the precursor pregnenolone was added. Experiments were conducted eight times for each studied time period (24, 48 and 96 h) and three times for each gestational age. Culture medium and cells were collected after 24, 48 and 96 hours of precursor addition and kept frozen at -20oC until processing. Progesterone was measured by RIA and protein content by Lowry’s method. Results were statistically analyzed and considered different when p <0.05. A higher P4 production was observed on day 90 of gestation (35.277±0.075), then this production was decreased at day 150 (28.820±0.231) and increased again at day 210 (32.777±0.099). After 24 hours of culture, luteal cells P4 production reached maximum values in the group of 90 days (2.912±0.047) when compared to 150 (2.669±0.137) and 210 days (2.741±0.088). At 48 and 96 hours of culture, bovine luteal cells from day 90 of gestation produced more P4 than cells from day 210 (2.934±0.029 and 2.976±0.121 respectively x 2.760±0.059 and 2.695±0.149, respectively; p<0.05), which in turn, produced more P4 than cells from day 150 (2.334±0.084 for 48 h and 2.205±0.136 for 96 h). Luteal cells from day 150 of gestation presented a decreasing P4 production throughout the 96 hours of culture. These differences could be explained by differential gene expression of enzymes and/or factors belonging to the esteroidogenic cascade in accordance to the gestational period. The established luteal cell culture model could be used for further functional studies once P4 secretion pattern in vitro resembled what occurs in vivo.

#23 - Ketosis in pregnant beef cows

Abstract in English:

Six outbreaks of ketosis in beef cattle are described. The disease occurred during winter, in cows in good to fatty conditions in the last 3 months of gestation, submitted to variable periods of food shortage. The animals showed constipation, incoordination, staggering and excitability followed by recumbency and death after 3 to 7 days. At necropsies the only significant alteration was a fatty degeneration of the liver. The outbreaks were controlled by nutritional measures.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Descrevem-se 6 surtos de cetose em bovinos de corte que ocorreram durante o inverno, em vacas gordas ou em bom estado nos últimos 3 meses de gestação, submetidas a períodos variáveis de carência alimentar. Os animais apresentaram constipação, incoordenação, tremores musculares e hiperexcitabilidade, com posterior decúbito e morte após uma evolução de 3 a 7 dias. Nas necropsias a única alteração significativa foi a degeneração graxa do fígado. Os surtos foram controlados mediante uma alimentação adequada.

Colégio Brasileiro de Patologia Animal SciELO Brasil CAPES CNPQ UNB UFRRJ CFMV