Resultado da pesquisa (36)

Termo utilizado na pesquisa feline

#1 - Causes of death in domestic cats during COVID-19 pandemic (2020-2021): A multi-institutional necropsy study from Mato Grosso and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Abstract in English:

Retrospective studies that address the diseases in the feline species are scarce. Herein, we presented the cause of death or euthanasia of cats from January 2020 to December 2021, during the first and second years of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. The data were obtained from necropsies performed by the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro and the Federal University of Mato Grosso. A total of 96 feline necropsies were performed. In 87 cases (90.6%), we established the reason for death, while in nine cases (9.4%), the diagnoses were inconclusive. We established the diagnostic groups: infectious and parasitic (37.5%), neoplasm (14.5%), malformation (7.3%), lower urinary tract disease (7.3%), degenerative (6.2%), traumas (6.2%), other causes (8.4%) and iatrogenic (3.1%). The most common cat diseases in Mato Grosso and Rio de Janeiro were infectious. The most common inflammatory lesions were bacterial and viral pneumonia. Alphaherpesvirus (FeHV), Mycoplasma sp., and Pseudomonas sp. were the main detected agents.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Estudos retrospectivos que abordam doenças em felinos domésticos são escassos. Apresentamos aqui a causa da morte ou razões para eutanásia de gatos domésticos entre janeiro de 2020 e dezembro de 2021, durante o primeiro e segundo ano da pandemia de SARS-CoV-2. Os dados foram obtidos em necropsias realizadas pela Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro e Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso. Foram realizadas 96 necropsias de felinos. Em 87 casos (90,6%) foi estabelecido a causa da morte e em nove casos (9,4%) os diagnósticos foram inconclusivos. Estabelecemos os grupos diagnósticos: infecciosos e parasitários (37,5%), neoplasias (14,5%), malformações (7,3%), doenças do trato urinário inferior (7,3%), degenerativas (6,2%), traumas (6,2%), outras causas (8,4%) e iatrogênicas (3,1%). As doenças mais frequentes em gatos do Mato Grosso e Rio de Janeiro foram as infecciosas. As lesões inflamatórias mais frequentes foram as pneumonias bacterianas e virais. Os principais agentes detectados foram Alphaherpesvirus (FeHV), Mycoplasma sp. e Pseudomonas sp.

#2 - Feline application/inflammation-associated sarcoma: Gross aspects and histomorphological

Abstract in English:

Feline injection-site sarcomas in felines account for more than 40% of cutaneous and subcutaneous neoplasms in felines. The present study aimed to describe the macroscopic and histomorphological findings of feline application/injection sarcomas. Samples from 31 feline tumors with a history of feline application/inflammation sarcoma were re-evaluated regarding histological subtype, mitotic index and score, depth of tissue invasion, and presence of inflammation considering the location, intensity and predominant cell types. Of the 31 samples from felines diagnosed with sarcoma at the application/inflammation site, 87.15% were cats with no defined breed (NDB), with a mean age of 8.5 years. The predominant anatomical sites were the back and flank/abdomen, both with 29% (9/31), and the prevalent histological subtype was fibrosarcoma at 77.4% (24/31), followed by anaplastic giant cell sarcoma at 12.9% (4/31) and myxosarcoma 9.6% (3/31). The histological grade with the highest number of cases was III (51.6%), followed by Grade II (35.4%) and I (12.9%). The mean of the longest axis measurements varied between the different tumor grades without being significant, with the average being 2.5±2.79cm in Grade I tumors and 3.2±2.28cm in Grade II tumors. and 4.68±2.07cm in Grade III tumors. Necrosis was observed in 74.2% of tumors. The tissue inflammation score was mild to moderate in 58% of cases and severe in 32.2%, with lymphocytic and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates being prevalent, with 25.8% each, followed by lymphoplasmohistiocytic with 22.6%. The infiltration depth was 38.7% in muscle tissue, followed by 32.2% in the subcutaneous tissue. Pleomorphism was accentuated in 51.6%. Desmoplasia was moderate in 45.1%. Satellite nodules were present in 29% of cases, and 19.4% had macrophages with intracytoplasmic content suggestive of adjuvants. Surgical margins were infiltrated (M1) in 48.4% and narrowed in 25.8% (M2). The anatomical locations observed were different from those recommended by the Vaccine-Associated Feline Sarcoma Task Force (VAFST); in most cases, the adjuvanted macrophage was not present. From this data, we can suggest that sarcomas in felines are not only correlated to the vaccine application, corroborating the hypothesis that any material, whether liquid or solid, and any chronic inflammatory process in the subcutaneous tissue of cats can induce the entity if they are predisposed to do so. The detailed histomorphological data evaluated in this study were key points and provided important information about tumor behavior, being a tool for clinical-oncological decision-making.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Feline injection-site sarcomas in felines account for more than 40% of cutaneous and subcutaneous neoplasms in felines. The present study aimed to describe the macroscopic and histomorphological findings of feline application/injection sarcomas. Samples from 31 feline tumors with a history of feline application/inflammation sarcoma were re-evaluated regarding histological subtype, mitotic index and score, depth of tissue invasion, and presence of inflammation considering the location, intensity and predominant cell types. Of the 31 samples from felines diagnosed with sarcoma at the application/inflammation site, 87.15% were cats with no defined breed (NDB), with a mean age of 8.5 years. The predominant anatomical sites were the back and flank/abdomen, both with 29% (9/31), and the prevalent histological subtype was fibrosarcoma at 77.4% (24/31), followed by anaplastic giant cell sarcoma at 12.9% (4/31) and myxosarcoma 9.6% (3/31). The histological grade with the highest number of cases was III (51.6%), followed by Grade II (35.4%) and I (12.9%). The mean of the longest axis measurements varied between the different tumor grades without being significant, with the average being 2.5±2.79cm in Grade I tumors and 3.2±2.28cm in Grade II tumors. and 4.68±2.07cm in Grade III tumors. Necrosis was observed in 74.2% of tumors. The tissue inflammation score was mild to moderate in 58% of cases and severe in 32.2%, with lymphocytic and lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates being prevalent, with 25.8% each, followed by lymphoplasmohistiocytic with 22.6%. The infiltration depth was 38.7% in muscle tissue, followed by 32.2% in the subcutaneous tissue. Pleomorphism was accentuated in 51.6%. Desmoplasia was moderate in 45.1%. Satellite nodules were present in 29% of cases, and 19.4% had macrophages with intracytoplasmic content suggestive of adjuvants. Surgical margins were infiltrated (M1) in 48.4% and narrowed in 25.8% (M2). The anatomical locations observed were different from those recommended by the Vaccine-Associated Feline Sarcoma Task Force (VAFST); in most cases, the adjuvanted macrophage was not present. From this data, we can suggest that sarcomas in felines are not only correlated to the vaccine application, corroborating the hypothesis that any material, whether liquid or solid, and any chronic inflammatory process in the subcutaneous tissue of cats can induce the entity if they are predisposed to do so. The detailed histomorphological data evaluated in this study were key points and provided important information about tumor behavior, being a tool for clinical-oncological decision-making.

#3 - Jaundice in cats: Causes and post-mortem findings in 44 cases

Abstract in English:

The aim of this study was to describe the pathological findings and causes of jaundice in 44 cats (Felis catus) over a six-year period. The cats were from two Brazilian metropolitan areas: 34.1% were female, 56.8% were male, and 9.1% had no information regarding their sex. Their ages ranged from 6 months to 13 years. Most of the cats examined were of a mixed breed (40/44), whereas the others were Angora (2/44), Oriental Short Hair (1/44) and Persian (1/44). All animals had mild to marked jaundice, and 39 were diagnosed with mild to marked anemia. The classification of icterus types (pre-hepatic, hepatic and post-hepatic) was based on gross and microscopic findings. Of the 44 animals, 10 were classified as pre-hepatic icterus, 33 with hepatic icterus and seven with post-hepatic icterus. In some cats, two types of icterus were found, of which five were classified as pre-hepatic and hepatic icterus, and one case was hepatic and post-hepatic icterus. According to the gross and microscopic findings, the cause of pre-hepatic icterus was idiopathic hemolytic anemia. The most frequent cause of hepatic icterus was hepatic lipidosis (26/44), followed by perihepatitis and hepatitis compatible with feline infectious peritonitis, lymphoma, glycogenic degeneration, cholangiocarcinoma and metastatic myeloid leukemia. In animals with post-hepatic icterus, the causes included cholangitis due to Platynosomum spp. infection, cholangioma of the common hepatic duct, and chronic cholangitis. Understanding the etiopathogenesis of jaundice requires an accurate clinic-pathological study and concomitant causes of the disease in cats should be considered.

Abstract in Portuguese:

O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever os achados patológicos e as causas da icterícia em 44 gatos (Felis catus), durante um período de seis anos. Os gatos eram provenientes de duas regiões metropolitanas brasileiras; 34,1% eram fêmeas, 56,8% eram machos e 9,1% não tinham informação sobre o sexo. A idade variou de 6 meses a 13 anos. A maioria dos gatos examinados era de raça mista (40/44), enquanto os restantes eram Angorá (2/44), Oriental de pelo curto (1/44) e Persa (1/44). Todos os gatos apresentavam icterícia leve a acentuada e 39 foram diagnosticados com anemia discreta a grave. A classificação dos tipos de icterícia (pré-hepática, hepática e pós-hepática) baseou-se em achados macroscópicos e microscópicos. Dos 44 animais, 10 foram classificados como icterícia pré-hepática, 33 com icterícia hepática e sete com icterícia pós-hepática. Contudo, em alguns gatos, foram encontrados dois tipos de icterícia, cinco dos quais foram classificados como icterícia pré-hepática e hepática e um caso como icterícia hepática e pós-hepática. De acordo com os achados macroscópicos e microscópicos, a causa da icterícia pré-hepática foi anemia hemolítica idiopática. A causa mais frequente de ícterícia hepática foi a lipidose hepática (26/44), seguida de peri-hepatite e hepatite compatível com peritonite infecciosa felina, linfoma, degeneração glicogênica, colangiocarcinoma e leucemia mieloide metastática. Nos gatos com icterícia pós-hepática, as causas incluíram colangite devida a infecção por Platynosomum spp., colangioma do ducto hepático comum e colangite crônica. Atualmente, a compreensão da etiopatogenia da icterícia requer um estudo clínico-patológico preciso e causas concomitantes da doença em gatos devem ser consideradas.

#4 - Segmental lumbar spinal cord aplasia in a free-ranging southern tiger cat (Leopardus guttulus)

Abstract in English:

We report a case of a free-ranging five-month wildcat with bilateral hind limbs paralysis since birth due to a segmental lumbar spinal cord aplasia. The species confirmation of the southern tiger cat (Leopardus guttulus) was determined by genetic sequencing. This southern tiger cat native to Brazil had autophagy in both pelvic limbs during the initial phase of hospitalization, followed by a right tibial fracture with bone exposition. Euthanasia was chosen due to animal welfare and submitted for postmortem examination. Grossly, there was an 8.5cm in-length segmental interruption of the spinal cord between the third and fifth lumbar vertebrae, with a lack of spinal cord tissue and collapsed associated dura mater. Microscopically, the representative sections of the L3 to L5 spinal cord had only .an irregular trace of gray matter adhered to the meninges (lumbar spinal cord aplasia) In the region of L6, a focally extensive, cystic, and well-defined tubular cavitation was noted dorsally to the central canal, replacing and compressing the adjacent nervous tissue (syringomyelia). Metagenomics examination did not detect any virus responsible for the presented spinal cord malformations. This seems to be the first description of segmental spinal cord aplasia reported in a wild feline.

Abstract in Portuguese:

O objetivo do presente relato foi descrever um caso de aplasia segmentar da medula espinhal lombar em um felino silvestre, com aproximadamente cinco meses, resgatado de seu ambiente natural, apresentando paralisia bilateral dos membros posteriores. A espécie gato-do-mato-pequeno (Leopardus guttulus) foi determinada por sequenciamento genético. Após curto período de hospitalização, iniciou autofagia de ambos os membros pélvicos, seguido de fratura com exposição óssea. Optou-se pela eutanásia e o cadáver foi encaminhado ao Setor de Anatomia Patológica da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro para necropsia. Macroscopicamente, havia uma interrupção segmentar grave da medula espinhal entre a terceira e a quinta vértebras lombares, medindo 8,5cm de comprimento, com resquícios de tecido nervoso e com meninges colapsadas. Ao exame histológico, em seções da medula espinhal na região de L3 a L5, .havia apenas vestígio de tecido nervoso aderido às meninges, morfologicamente compatível com substância cinzenta (aplasia de medula espinhal lombar). Na região de L6 notou-se áreas multifocais com cavitações tubulares, císticas e bem delimitadas, dorsalmente ao canal central substituindo e comprimindo o tecido nervoso adjacente (siringomielia). O exame de metagenômica não detectou qualquer vírus responsável pelas malformações da medula espinhal. Com base no histórico, sinais clínicos, necropsia e achados histológicos, o diagnóstico de aplasia segmentar grave com siringomielia foi estabelecido em um L. guttulus.

#5 - Detection of feline panleukopenia virus (Carnivore protoparvovirus 1) in free-ranging Panthera onca in Brazil

Abstract in English:

The decline in the jaguar population confirms how much the species is vulnerable to extinction in Brazil. It also indicates the degradation of its natural habitat’s environmental integrity and quality. Studies claim that large felids are susceptible to feline panleukopenia virus (FPV) and are presumptively diagnosed clinically in Brazil. A free-living jaguar (Panthera onca) cub was found unconscious and rescued due to a possible hit-and-run in the savannah of Mato Grosso. During recovery, it exhibited clinical and hematological signs consistent with FPV infection. The PCR was positive for FPV, with 99.61% identity between the FPV sequences available in the GenBank database through the BLAST tool. Due to habitat restrictions, certain diseases threaten wild cats and habitat encroachment by domestic animals can alter the pattern of spread of pathogens. We highlight the importance of the molecular diagnosis and phylogenetic analysis of FPV to elucidate how it has reached wild felids.

Abstract in Portuguese:

O declínio da população de onça-pintada confirma o quanto a espécie está vulnerável à extinção no Brasil, indicando também a degradação da integridade ambiental e da qualidade de seu habitat natural. Estudos afirmam que felinos de grande porte são suscetíveis ao vírus da panleucopenia felina (FPV) e são diagnosticados clinicamente de forma presuntiva no Brasil. Um filhote de onça-pintada (Panthera onca) de vida livre foi encontrado inconsciente e resgatado devido a um possível atropelamento no cerrado do Mato Grosso. Durante a recuperação, apresentou sinais clínicos e hematológicos compatíveis com infecção por FPV. A PCR foi positiva para FPV, com 99,61% de identidade entre as sequências de FPV disponíveis no banco de dados GenBank por meio da ferramenta BLAST. Devido a restrições de habitat, certas doenças ameaçam felinos selvagens e a invasão de habitat por animais domésticos pode alterar o padrão de propagação de patógenos. Destacamos a importância do diagnóstico molecular e da análise filogenética do FPV para elucidar como ele atinge os felídeos silvestres.

#6 - Refractory feline sporotrichosis: a comparative analysis on the clinical, histopathological, and cytopathological aspects

Abstract in English:

Sporotrichosis is a chronic fungal infection caused by Sporothrix species. The occurrence of cases that are resistant to long-term treatment, especially in the nasal planum of cats, emphasizes the importance of studying its pathogenesis. The purpose of this study was to analyze and compare the inflammatory process of cutaneous lesions of feline refractory sporotrichosis to clinical aspects through cytopathological and histopathological examination. Moreover, the study included 13 cats with cutaneous lesions that had been resistant to itraconazole treatment for more than a year. Cutaneous lesions samples were collected for cytopathological, histopathological, and fungal culture analyses. Tissue fragments were processed and stained with hematoxylin-eosin (HE) and Grocott methenamine silver (GMS). Further, two clinical presentations had the highest occurrence: the localized cutaneous form in animals with good general condition and stable disease (n=9, 69.2%) and the disseminated cutaneous form in cats with poor general condition (n=4, 30.8%). In cats with refractory sporotrichosis, the nasal planum (84.6%) was the most common location of lesions. In the cytopathological study, cats with fewer than two lesions and in good general condition (n=9, 69.2%) showed absence or mild yeast intensity (up to 5 yeasts per field), lower intensity of macrophages and neutrophils, and higher intensity of epithelioid cells, lymphocytes, plasma cells, and eosinophils. On the other hand, (n=4, 30.8%) of the cats with disseminated sporotrichosis and a poor general condition had a marked intensity of yeasts, which were mostly phagocytosed by an increased number of macrophages and neutrophils. Of those animals with good general condition, the majority (n=6, 66.7%) had higher eosinophil intensity. In histopathology, malformed suppurative granuloma was the predominant type (n=9, 69.2%) in feline sporotrichosis lesions, followed by well-formed granulomas (n=4, 30.8%). Malformed granulomas showed mild to moderate fungal intensity (55.6%) in animals with good general condition and localized lesions while marked fungal intensity (44.4%) in cats with the disseminated form of the disease and poor general condition. Well-formed granulomas (n=4, 30.7%) had mild to moderate intensity of fungal load, and 75% of the animals with this type of granuloma had only one lesion and were in good general condition. Long-term itraconazole treatment in these cats with refractory sporotrichosis can keep the infection under control and localized lesions stable; however, fungus reactivation can occur, resulting in an exuberant and inefficient immune response.

Abstract in Portuguese:

A esporotricose é uma infecção fúngica crônica causada por espécies do gênero Sporothrix. A ocorrência de casos refratários ao tratamento de longo prazo, especialmente na região nasal de gatos, alerta para a importância do estudo de sua patogênese. Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar o processo inflamatório das lesões cutâneas de esporotricose felina refratária ao tratamento, por meio de exames citopatológico e histopalógico, e comparar com aspectos clínicos. Treze gatos com lesões cutâneas refratárias ao tratamento com Itraconazol por mais de um ano foram incluídos no estudo. Amostras de lesões cutâneas foram coletadas para análises citopatológicas, histopatológicas e cultura fúngica. Fragmentos de tecidos foram processados e corados pela hematoxilina-eosina (HE) e Prata Metenamina de Grocott (GMS). Duas apresentações clínicas tiveram maior ocorrência: a forma localizada cutânea em animais com bom estado geral e doença estável (n=9, 69,2%); e a forma disseminada cutânea em gatos com estado geral ruim (n=4, 30,8%). A região nasal (84,6%) foi a localização mais frequente das lesões nos gatos com esporotricose refratária ao tratamento. No estudo citopatológico, felinos com menos de duas lesões, e em bom estado geral, (n=9, 69,2%) revelaram ausência ou leve intensidade de leveduras (até 5 leveduras por campo), menor intensidade de macrófagos e neutrófilos, e maior intensidade de células epitelióides, linfócitos, plasmócitos e eosinófilos. Enquanto, (n=4, 30,8%) dos felinos que apresentavam a forma disseminada da esporotricose associada a um estado geral ruim, revelaram acentuada intensidade de leveduras em sua maioria fagocitadas por acentuado número de macrófagos e neutrófilos. Dos animais com bom estado geral, a maioria (n=6, 66,7%) apresentava maior intensidade de eosinófilos. Na histopatologia, o granuloma supurativo mal formado foi o tipo predominante (n=9, 69,2%) nas lesões de esporotricose felina, e (n=4, 30,8%) foram de granulomas bem formados. Granulomas mal formados apresentaram leve a moderada intensidade fúngica (55,6%) nos animais com bom estado geral e lesões localizadas, e acentuada intensidade fúngica (44,4%) nos gatos com a forma disseminada da doença e estado geral ruim. Granulomas bem formados (n=4, 30,7%) apresentaram leve a moderada intensidade de carga fúngica, sendo 75% dos animais com esse tipo de granuloma com apenas uma lesão e bom estadogeral. O tratamento de longo prazo com itraconazol, nesses gatos com esporotricose refratária, pode manter a infecção controlada e lesões localizadas estáveis de forma temporária, contudo a reativação do fungo pode ocorrer levando a uma resposta imunológica exuberante e ineficiente.

#7 - Classification of lymphoma in cats and its relationship with the detection of feline leukemia virus proviral DNA

Abstract in English:

In this retrospective and prospective study, histopathological and immunohistochemical analyses of 62 cases of lymphomas in cats were performed to classify the anatomic forms and subtypes, according to the WHO guidelines, and correlate it to FeLV proviral DNA detected using PCR. The most common anatomical form was gastrointestinal (40.3%, 25/62), followed by multicentric (29%, 18/62), mediastinal (17.7%, 11/62) and extranodal (12,9%, 8/62). Among the lymphoma subtypes, diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) (30.6%, 19/62) was the most commonly diagnosed followed by peripheral T-cell lymphoma (PTCL) (29%, 18/62) and enteropathy associated T-cell lymphoma type 2 (14.5%, 9/62). DNA extraction from paraffin-embedded neoplastic tissue was obtained in 28 cases and FeLV proviral DNA was detected by PCR, in 23 of these. Of the cases presenting with FeLV proviral DNA, nine (32%) were of the multicentric form, five (22%) of the mediastinal and extranodal forms and four (17%) of the gastrointestinal form. The most frequent subtypes with FeLV proviral DNA, independent of the anatomical form, were DLBCL (39.1%, 9/23) and PTCL (34.7%, 8/23). The presence of the FeLV proviral DNA in 23 cats of this study, probably had association with the multicentric form of lymphoma and higher occurrence in the DLBCL and PTCL subtypes.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Neste estudo retrospectivo e prospectivo, análises histopatológicas e imuno-histoquímicas de 62 casos de linfomas em gatos foram realizadas para classificar as formas anatômicas o e subtipos do linfoma, de acordo com as diretrizes da OMS. Além disso, foi realizada a extração de DNA dos tumores incluídos na parafina para obtenção de DNA pró-viral do FeLV por PCR, e relacionada com os exames anteriores. A forma anatômica mais comum foi a gastrointestinal (40.3%, 25/62), seguida pela multicêntrica (29%, 18/62), mediastinal (17,7%, 11/62) e extranodal (12,9%, 8/62). Entre os subtipos de linfoma, o linfoma difuso de grandes células B (DLBCL) (30.6%, 19/62) foi o mais comumente diagnosticado, seguido por linfoma de células T periférico (PTCL) (29%, 18/62) e o linfoma de células T associado a enteropatia tipo 2 (14.5%, 9/62). A extração de DNA de tecido neoplásico emblocado em parafina foi obtida em 28 casos e o DNA pró-viral de FeLV foi detectado por PCR, em 23 deles. Dos casos com DNA pró-viral do FeLV, nove (32%) eram da forma multicêntrica, cinco (22%) das formas mediastinal e extranodal e quatro (17%) da forma gastrointestinal. Os subtipos mais frequentes com DNA pró-viral do FeLV, independente da forma anatômica, foram DLBCL (39.1%, 9/23) e PTCL (34.7%, 8/23). A presença do DNA pró-viral do FeLV em 23 gatos deste estudo, provavelmente teve associação com a forma multicêntrica do linfoma e maior ocorrência nos subtipos DLBCL e PTCL.

#8 - Erythrocyte phenotyping for feline AB system in domestic cats from the Ilhéus-Itabuna microregion, Bahia, Brazil

Abstract in English:

This study aimed to determine the erythrocyte phenotypes of the feline AB system and to check the presence of antigens other than those present in the feline AB system in domestic cats from Ilhéus-Itabuna microregion, Bahia, Brazil. Three-hundred feline blood samples were collected at the Veterinary Hospital of the “Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz” (UESC) and in home visits to perform blood phenotyping using the tube-method testing. The reverse phenotyping was made between cats that tested phenotype B with blood samples of cats that tested phenotype A to confirm the blood phenotype B. The cross-tested among cats with phenotype A was made in order to verify the presence of different antigens of AB system in this blood phenotype. The results underwent macroscopic and microscopic analyses. Among the 300 animals tested, regarding breed, 290 were mixed-breed cats and among the remaining ten, five were Persians, four Siamese, and one Angora. 297 (99%) presented with phenotype A (including all the breeding cats) and three (1%) with phenotype B, and all this cats were mixed-breed cats. None (0%) of the cats showed the phenotype AB. All phenotype B bloods reacted to reverse phenotyping with phenotype A, confirming the phenotype B of these cats. All phenotype A bloods were compatible among each other, so no further erythrocyte antigens were detected through this test. The mother of one of the phenotype B cats was identified and had phenotype A, demonstrating phenotype A parents with phenotype B offspring. This finding indicates heterozygosis in the studied population. This data enable to conclude that the studied population presented different erythrocyte phenotypes, subsequently highlighting the importance of conducting phenotype analyses in these animals before performing blood transfusion to avoid serious hemolytic complications associated with incompatibility.

Abstract in Portuguese:

O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a frequência dos fenótipos eritrocitários do sistema AB felino e verificar a presença de outros antígenos, não pertencentes ao sistema AB felino, em gatos domésticos das cidades de Ilhéus e Itabuna, Bahia, Brasil. Amostras de sangue de 300 gatos foram coletadas no Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz (UESC) e em visitas domiciliares para realizar a fenotipagem sanguínea usando o método de tubo. A fenotipagem reversa foi realizada em gatos que testaram o fenótipo B com amostras que testaram o fenótipo A, para confirmação do fenótipo sanguíneo. O teste cruzado foi realizado entre gatos do fenótipo A, para pesquisar a presença de diferentes antígenos do sistema AB dentro desse fenótipo sanguíneo. Os resultados foram submetidos a análises macroscópicas e microscópicas. Dos 300 animais testados, 110 eram machos e 190 fêmeas, e suas idades variaram de cinco meses à 15 anos. Sobre as raças, 290 eram gatos sem raça definida e dos 10 restantes, cinco eram Persas, quatro eram Siameses e um Angorá. 297 (99%) apresentaram fenótipo A (incluindo todos os gatos de raça) e três (1%) tiveram fenótipo B, sendo todos esses gatos sem raça definida. Nenhum (0%) dos gatos apresentou fenótipo AB. Todos os sangues com fenótipo B reagiram na fenotipagem reversa com o fenótipo A, confirmando o fenótipo B desses gatos. Todos os sangues com fenótipo A foram compatíveis entre si, portanto nenhum antígeno eritrocitário adicional foi detectado através deste teste. A genitora de um dos gatos com fenótipo B, foi encontrada e a mesma possuía fenótipo A, demonstrando pais com fenótipo A e cria com fenótipo B. Esse achado indica heterozigose na população estudada. Esses dados levam à conclusão de que diferentes fenótipos eritrocitários estão presentes na população estudada e destacam a importância da realização de testes fenotípicos nesses animais antes dos procedimentos de transfusão, a fim de evitar complicações hemolíticas graves decorrentes do envolvimento de animais incompatíveis.

#9 - High occurrence of felid alphaherpesvirus 1 and feline calicivirus in domestic cats from southern Brazil

Abstract in English:

Felid alphaherpesvirus 1 (FeHV-1) and feline calicivirus (FCV) affect cats worldwide. The aim of this study was to evaluate the frequency of occurrence of FeHV-1 and FCV in cats with clinical signs of respiratory, oral and/or ocular disease. Samples were collected from cats cared for in veterinary ambulatory and clinics and submitted to molecular detection and viral isolation. Of the 49 cats evaluated, 45 (92%) were positive for at least one of the viruses; 82% (40/49) were positive for FeHV-1 and 41% (20/49) for FCV. Of these, 31% (15/49) were coinfection cases. For FeHV-1, 45% (18/40) of the cats tested were positive from the collection of eye swab, and the same percentage (9/20) was obtained for the FCV by the oral swab. FeHV-1 and/or FCV were isolated in 35% (17/49) of the samples. The main clinical sign observed was ocular secretion in 71% (35/49) of cats, characterized as mild serous, purulent or serosanguineous, and in some cases associated with ocular injury and marked chemosis. Our findings demonstrate the high occurrence of FeHV-1 and FCV in domestic cats in southern Brazil and indicate that measures should be implemented to improve the diagnostic, prevention and management against of these important diseases.

Abstract in Portuguese:

Alphaherpesvírus felídeo 1 (FeHV-1) e calicivírus felino (FCV) afetam gatos mundialmente. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar a frequência de ocorrência de FeHV-1 e FCV em gatos com sinais clínicos de doença respiratória, oral e/ou ocular. Amostras foram coletadas de gatos atendidos em ambulatório e clínicas veterinárias e submetidas à detecção molecular e isolamento viral. Dos 49 gatos avaliados, 45 (92%) foram positivos para ao menos um dos vírus; 82% (40/49) foram positivos para o FeHV-1 e 41% (20/49) para o FCV. Destes, 31% (15/49) foram casos de coinfecção. Para o FeHV-1, 45% (18/40) dos gatos foram positivos na coleta do swab ocular, e o mesmo percentual (9/20) foi obtido para o FCV a partir do swab oral. FeHV-1 e/ou FCV foram isolados em 35% (17/49) das amostras. O principal sinal clínico observado foi secreção ocular em 71% (35/49) dos gatos, caracterizada como serosa, purulenta ou serossanguinolenta e, em alguns casos, associada à lesão e quemose. Nossos resultados demonstram a alta ocorrência de FeHV-1 e FCV em gatos domésticos na região Sul do Brasil e indicam que devem ser implementadas medidas para melhorar o diagnóstico, a prevenção e o manejo contra essas importantes doenças.

#10 - Epidemiological and pathological aspects of cardiomyopathies in cats in southern Brazil

Abstract in English:

Cardiomyopathies are considered one of the most important causes of heart failure in cats and are subdivided into three main morphological types: hypertrophic (HCM), dilated (DCM), and restrictive (RCM). This study aimed to determine the frequency and types of cardiomyopathies in cats diagnosed in southern Brazil, with an emphasis on their epidemiological and pathological aspects. Necropsy reports filed in a veterinary pathology laboratory were reviewed, and cats diagnosed with cardiomyopathy were selected for the study. Animal identification data, history and clinical signs, and gross lesions, were reviewed and compiled. During the study period, 1.594 cat necropsies were performed, of which 72 (4.5%) comprised a diagnosis of cardiomyopathy. HCM was the most frequent followed by CMR and CMD, representing 77.8%, 12.5% and 9.7%, respectively. Age ranged from three months to 18 years, with a median age of seven years. In relation to sex, 62.5% were males and 37.5% females. In 76.4% of the cases, it affected cats without a breed defined. Restrictive mixed dyspnea and hydrothorax were the main signs or findings of the clinical examination. Sudden death and acute paresis of the pelvic limbs due to aortic thromboembolism have also been described. In HCM, myocardial thickening was observed, with a reduction in the ventricular chamber. Hypertrophy, disarray, and fibrosis of the myofibers were the main histological findings. In RCM, whitish and thickened endocardium was seen in most cases. DCM was characterized by dilated cardiac chambers, and microscopic examination revealed no significant findings. The main extra cardiac lesions revealed pulmonary edema and congestion, hydrothorax and chronic passive congestion of the liver. Cardiomyopathies are important causes of death in cats and should be included in the differential diagnosis of patients with cardio respiratory clinical signs and in cases related to sudden death and acute paresis of the pelvic limbs.

Abstract in Portuguese:

As cardiomiopatias são consideradas umas das mais importantes causas de insuficiência cardíaca em gatos e são subdivididas morfologicamente em três principais tipos: cardiomiopatia hipertrófica (CMH), dilatada (CMD) e restritiva (CMR). Este trabalho teve como objetivo determinar a frequência e os tipos de cardiomiopatias em gatos diagnosticados no Sul do Brasil, abordando seus aspectos epidemiológicos e patológicos. Foram revisados os laudos de necropsias de gatos e selecionados para o estudo de diagnóstico de cardiomiopatia. Os dados referentes à identificação do animal, o histórico/sinais clínicos e lesões macroscópicas foram revisados e compilados. No período estudado, foram realizadas 1.594 necropsias de gatos, destas, 72 (4,5%) compreenderam diagnóstico de cardiomiopatia. A CMH foi a mais frequente seguida pela CMR e CMD, representando 77,8%, 12,5% e 9,7%, respectivamente. A idade variou de três meses a 18 anos, com a idade mediana de sete anos. Em relação ao sexo, 62,5% eram machos e 37,5% fêmeas. Em 76,4% dos casos, afetou gatos sem raça definida. Dispneia mista restritiva e hidrotórax foram os principais sinais ou achados do exame clínico. Morte súbita e paresia aguda de membros pélvicos em razão do tromboembolismo aórtico também foram descritos. Na CMH, observou-se espessamento do miocárdio, com redução da câmara ventricular. Hipertrofia, desarranjo e fibrose das miofibras foram os principais achados histológicos. Na CMR, visualizou-se endocárdio esbranquiçado e espessado na maioria dos casos. A CMD caracterizou-se pela dilatação das câmaras cardíacas, e sem lesão histológica significante. As principais lesões extracardíacas encontradas foram edema e congestão pulmonares, hidrotórax e congestão passiva crônica do fígado. As cardiomiopatias são causas importantes de morte em gatos, devem ser incluídas no diagnóstico diferencial de pacientes com sinais clínicos cardiorrespiratórios e também em casos relacionados a morte súbita e paresia aguda dos membros pélvicos.

Colégio Brasileiro de Patologia Animal SciELO Brasil CAPES CNPQ UNB UFRRJ CFMV