Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Dal-Bó I.S., Ferreira M.P., Brun M.V., Silva Filho J.R., Nóbrega F.S., Quadros A.M., Feranti J.P.S. & Chagas J.A.B. 2013. [Femur osteosynthesis in little spotted cat (Leopardus tigrinus).] Osteossíntese de fêmur em gato-do-mato-pequeno (Leopardus tigrinus). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 33(3):389-393. Departamento de Clínica de Pequenos Animais, Centro de Ciências Rurais, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Campus Universitário, Prédio 97, Santa Maria, RS 97105-900, Brazil. E-mail: mauriciovelosobrun@hotmail.com
The little spotted cat or oncilla (Leopardus tigrinus) is a wild feline that has size and body proportions similar to the domestic cat (Felis catus), but can be classified as the smallest wild feline all the way from Costa Rica to Brazil and Argentina threatened with extinction. In domestic cats, the distal portion of the long bone femur is more susceptible to fractures. The aim of this paper is to report the treatment of a complete, transverse, supracondylar fracture of the right femur on a five-month-old little female oncilla, by internal fixation by two crossed Kirschner wires. At 60 days after surgery, the patient was discharged from the veterinary hospital and returned to its place of origin. Considering the author’s knowledge, this is the first report of osteosynthesis in L. tigrinus using this described technique. Due to similarities with species, anatomical, surgical and anesthetics data of domestic cats were considered. The fixation method was successful and limb function was achieved without any complication.
Abstract in Portuguese:
RESUMO.- Dal-Bó I.S., Ferreira M.P., Brun M.V., Silva Filho J.R., Nóbrega F.S., Quadros A.M., Feranti J.P.S. & Chagas J.A.B. 2013. [Femur osteosynthesis in little spotted cat (Leopardus tigrinus).] Osteossíntese de fêmur em gato-do-mato-pequeno (Leopardus tigrinus). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 33(3):389-393. Departamento de Clínica de Pequenos Animais, Centro de Ciências Rurais, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Campus Universitário, Prédio 97, Santa Maria, RS 97105-900, Brazil. E-mail: mauriciovelosobrun@hotmail.com
O gato-do-mato-pequeno (Leopardus tigrinus) apresenta porte e proporção corporal semelhante ao gato doméstico e é a menor espécie de felídeo não doméstico do Brasil, sendo classificado com espécie da fauna brasileira ameaçada de extinção. Em gatos domésticos, o fêmur é o osso que mais sofre trauma e a porção distal é a mais acometida por fraturas. Uma fêmea de gato-do-mato-pequeno, com cinco meses de idade, apresentando fratura completa transversa supracondilar de fêmur direito foi tratada com sucesso por meio de osteossíntese com dois fios de Kirschner cruzados. Aos 60 dias de evolução do procedimento cirúrgico, a paciente recebeu alta do Hospital Veterinário, sendo devolvida ao seu local de origem. Segundo o conhecimento dos autores, este é o primeiro relato de osteossíntese de fêmur com o uso de fios de Kirschner em Leopardus tigrinus. Assim, o tratamento foi desenvolvido com base em dados referentes ao gato doméstico em função da similaridade anatômica entre as duas espécies. O método de osteossíntese escolhido, nesse relato, mostrou-se eficaz, promovendo retorno adequado à função do membro.
Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Filoni C., Pena H.F.J., Gennari S.M., Cristo D.S., Torres L.N. & Catão-Dias J.L. 2009. Heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis) disease in a Brazilian oncilla (Leopardus tigrinus). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(6):373-478. Departamento de Patologia, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, Cidade Universitária, São Paulo, SP 05508-270, Brazil. E-mail: claudiafiloni@triade.org.br
Heartworm disease is caused by the intravascular nematode Dirofilaria immitis, a pathogen of public health importance usually associated to domestic dogs and cats, and to a lesser extend to other mammal species. The oncilla (Leopardus tigrinus) is a threatened neotropic felid species that naturally occurs in Brazil. Here, we report the encounter of adult and larval stages of heartworms in a female specimen of L. tigrinus, probable of free-ranging origin, from Ubatuba, São Paulo, Brazil, which died showing clinical signals compatible with heartworm disease. This was the first reported case of D. immitis infection and associated disease in L. tigrinus, also suggesting that the oncilla acted as a definitive host for this parasite. The present findings confirmed D. immitis as a pathogenic agent for this felid species, thus supporting the recommendation for the inclusion of diagnostic testing for this pathogen in routine health screening procedures for captive and free-ranging oncillas in Brazil, especially in those localities where climate conditions support the occurrence of the parasite. Potential reservoirs as oncillas are established beyond the reach of veterinary care, thus representing a continuing risk for domestic animals and humans acquiring heartworm infection. We encourage further serologic and molecular studies aiming to establish D. immitis prevalences in L. tigrinus and other wild carnivores in the region of Ubatuba, as well as ecological and veterinary studies to access the role of this pathogen for the survival of this threatened felid species.
Abstract in Portuguese:
ABSTRACT.- Filoni C., Pena H.F.J., Gennari S.M., Cristo D.S., Torres L.N. & Catão-Dias J.L. 2009. Heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis) disease in a Brazilian oncilla (Leopardus tigrinus). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(6):373-478. Departamento de Patologia, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Prof. Dr. Orlando Marques de Paiva 87, Cidade Universitária, São Paulo, SP 05508-270, Brazil. E-mail: claudiafiloni@triade.org.br
Heartworm disease is caused by the intravascular nematode Dirofilaria immitis, a pathogen of public health importance usually associated to domestic dogs and cats, and to a lesser extend to other mammal species. The oncilla (Leopardus tigrinus) is a threatened neotropic felid species that naturally occurs in Brazil. Here, we report the encounter of adult and larval stages of heartworms in a female specimen of L. tigrinus, probable of free-ranging origin, from Ubatuba, São Paulo, Brazil, which died showing clinical signals compatible with heartworm disease. This was the first reported case of D. immitis infection and associated disease in L. tigrinus, also suggesting that the oncilla acted as a definitive host for this parasite. The present findings confirmed D. immitis as a pathogenic agent for this felid species, thus supporting the recommendation for the inclusion of diagnostic testing for this pathogen in routine health screening procedures for captive and free-ranging oncillas in Brazil, especially in those localities where climate conditions support the occurrence of the parasite. Potential reservoirs as oncillas are established beyond the reach of veterinary care, thus representing a continuing risk for domestic animals and humans acquiring heartworm infection. We encourage further serologic and molecular studies aiming to establish D. immitis prevalences in L. tigrinus and other wild carnivores in the region of Ubatuba, as well as ecological and veterinary studies to access the role of this pathogen for the survival of this threatened felid species.
Abstract in English:
ABSTRACT.- Juvenal J.C., Erdmann R.H., Moreira N., Moraes W., Cubas P.H., Delgado L.E.S., Carvalho A.L. & Pachaly J.R. 2008. [Chemical restraint of tigrinas, Leopardus tigrinus, for semen collection with allometrically scaled doses of tiletamine, zolazepam, and xylazine.] Contenção farmacológica de gato-do-mato-pequeno, Leopardus tigrinus, para colheita de sêmen, pela associação de tiletamina zolazepam e xilazina. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(11):541-546. Curso de Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Pa-ranaense, Cx. Postal 162, Umuarama, PR 87502-970, Brazil. E-mail: pachaly@uol.com.br
This paper reports the anesthetic effects of the combination of tiletamine HCl, zolazepam HCl, and xylazine HCl in tigrinas, Leopardus tigrinus Schreber, 1775 (Fam. Felidae), submitted to semen collection by electroejaculation. Three different protocols and the individual anesthetic doses were calculated by interspecific allometric scaling, based on the usual recommendations for a 10.0 kg domestic dog: On Protocol 1 (n=10) the basis for calculation was 5.0mg/kg for tiletamine + zolazepam and 0.5mg/kg for xylazine; on Protocol 2 (n=12) 5.0mg/kg for tiletamine + zolazepam and 0.75mg/kg for xylazine; and on Protocol 3 (n=11) 5.0mg/kg for tiletamine + zolazepam and 1.0mg/kg for xylazine. The tigrinas were anesthetized on three different occasions with a minimum interval of 30 days. During 120 minutes after the drug administration cardiac and respiratory frequencies, rectal temperature, limb myorelaxation and sensitivity to deep pain were monitored. Latency period, anesthetic period, and contamination of the semen with urine were also monitored. From a total of 32 collections, 10 samples (31.2%) and 18 aliquots (0.07%) were contaminated and rejected, but this episodes were not detrimental for semen analysis and processing. A discrete increase in rectal temperature during electroejaculation caused by muscle contraction, followed by temperature decrease, was observed. Cardiac and respiratory frequency varied during the experiment, but remained within physiological standards for the species. The three tested protocols showed to be safe and effective to produce analgesia and anesthesia in L. tigrinus during semen collection by electroejaculation.
Abstract in Portuguese:
ABSTRACT.- Juvenal J.C., Erdmann R.H., Moreira N., Moraes W., Cubas P.H., Delgado L.E.S., Carvalho A.L. & Pachaly J.R. 2008. [Chemical restraint of tigrinas, Leopardus tigrinus, for semen collection with allometrically scaled doses of tiletamine, zolazepam, and xylazine.] Contenção farmacológica de gato-do-mato-pequeno, Leopardus tigrinus, para colheita de sêmen, pela associação de tiletamina zolazepam e xilazina. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(11):541-546. Curso de Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Pa-ranaense, Cx. Postal 162, Umuarama, PR 87502-970, Brazil. E-mail: pachaly@uol.com.br
This paper reports the anesthetic effects of the combination of tiletamine HCl, zolazepam HCl, and xylazine HCl in tigrinas, Leopardus tigrinus Schreber, 1775 (Fam. Felidae), submitted to semen collection by electroejaculation. Three different protocols and the individual anesthetic doses were calculated by interspecific allometric scaling, based on the usual recommendations for a 10.0 kg domestic dog: On Protocol 1 (n=10) the basis for calculation was 5.0mg/kg for tiletamine + zolazepam and 0.5mg/kg for xylazine; on Protocol 2 (n=12) 5.0mg/kg for tiletamine + zolazepam and 0.75mg/kg for xylazine; and on Protocol 3 (n=11) 5.0mg/kg for tiletamine + zolazepam and 1.0mg/kg for xylazine. The tigrinas were anesthetized on three different occasions with a minimum interval of 30 days. During 120 minutes after the drug administration cardiac and respiratory frequencies, rectal temperature, limb myorelaxation and sensitivity to deep pain were monitored. Latency period, anesthetic period, and contamination of the semen with urine were also monitored. From a total of 32 collections, 10 samples (31.2%) and 18 aliquots (0.07%) were contaminated and rejected, but this episodes were not detrimental for semen analysis and processing. A discrete increase in rectal temperature during electroejaculation caused by muscle contraction, followed by temperature decrease, was observed. Cardiac and respiratory frequency varied during the experiment, but remained within physiological standards for the species. The three tested protocols showed to be safe and effective to produce analgesia and anesthesia in L. tigrinus during semen collection by electroejaculation.