Ano 2009 - Volume 29, Número 01

Mannheimiose pulmonar experimental em bezerros: swab nasal e nasofaringeano como auxílio diagnóstico, p.83-88

ABSTRACT.- Coutinho A.S., Oliveira Filho J.P., Silva D.P.G.S., Oliveira A.P., Marcondes J.S., Chiacchio S.B., Paes A.C., Amorim R.M. & Gonçalves R.C. 2009. [Experimental pneumonic mannheimiosis in calves: Nasal and nasopharingeal swabs for diagnostic.] Mannheimiose pulmonar experimental em bezerros: swab nasal e nasofaringeano como auxílio diagnóstico. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 29(1):83-88. Departamento de Clínica Veterinária, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Campus de Botucatu, Distrito de Rubião Júnior s/n, Botucatu, SP 18618000, Brazil. E-mail:

An experimental model of bovine pneumonic mannheimiosis (BPM) was used to evaluate the nasal and nasopharynx bacterial species of calves during the course of the disease and for checking the diagnostic efficiency of nasal swab (NS) and nasopharingeal swab (NPS) microbiological exams. A total of 28 calves were randomized into four experimental groups (G1-G4). NS and NPS were obtained 7 days before and 12 (G1), 24 (G2), 48 (G3) e 72 (G4) hours after intrabronchial inoculation of Mannheimia haemolytica. After the induction of BPM, M. haemolytica biotype A was the predominant isolated bacterium in NS and NPS in all evaluated sampling times, except for one NS (harvested 24 hours). There were no significant statistical differences for the rates of Pasteurella multocida isolation in NS and NPS, harvested before and after the induction of BPM. However, this bacterium was isolated more frequently after the induction of BPM, mainly in NPS. Therefore, the microbiological NS and NPS exams were important auxiliary tests for diagnosing BPM.
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