Year 2019 - Volume 39, Number 6

Investigation of Norovirus genogroups (GI, GII and GIV) in stool of pet dogs with diarrhea, 39(6):402-408

ABSTRACT.- Sokel S. & Kale M. 2019. Investigation of Norovirus genogroups (GI, GII and GIV) in stool of pet dogs with diarrhea. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 39(6):402-408. Departamento de Virologia, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária, Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Antalya Burdur Yolu, 15030 Yakaköy Köyü/Burdur, Merkez/Burdur, ‘Burdur, Turkey.

In this study, we searched the existence of human norovirus (NoV) GI, GII and GIV in the stool of 128 pet dogs with diarrhea, of different sex, age and breed, in Burdur, Turkey, using Real-Time PCR method. Human NoV GII was found in only 5 of the 128 dog stool samples (3.91%). It was discovered that human NoV existed most in crossbreed, female and aged 24 months or over dogs. These dogs found with human NoV GII were either bought from pet shops, stray dogs or taken as puppy of another pet dog. The sheltering conditions of these dogs were moderate and they were fed with home food residue and dry food. It was also found that most of them were vaccinated and had certain walking sites. The owners of the animals detected with infection generally did not have the habit of washing their hands or changing their clothes before or after caring their pets. We strongly advice that dog owners’ personal hygiene, the necessity of changing their clothes during their contact with animals, the environment provided for the dog, the sensitivity in caring, use of strong and effective disinfectant, keeping the dogs away from toilets and sewerage systems, as well as not feeding them with food residues are crucial issues in dogs’ care. Owners of the dogs with NoV GII were middle aged or elderly people, male, and there were no children in their houses. As these dogs are treated like the owner’s child, it is assumed that they could be transmitted with NoV GII as a result of close interaction with their owner.
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