Ano 2008 - Volume 28, Número 06

Doença das mucosas associada à dermatite generalizada em bovinos, Mato Grosso do Sul, p.285-292

ABSTRACT.- Ferreira L.C.L., Flores E.F., Driemeier D., Melo O. & Lemos R.A.A. 2008. [Mucosal disease associated with generalized dermatitis in cattle, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.] Doença das mucosas associada à dermatite generalizada em bovinos, Mato Grosso do Sul. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 28(6):285-292. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, Av. Senador Filinto Müller 2443, Campo Grande, MS 79070-900, Brazil. E-mail:

This paper reports epidemiological, clinical, pathological and laboratory diagnostic aspects of a form of dermatitis associated with mucosal disease (MD) in cattle. It also focuses on the methods used for identifying persistently infected (PI) animals and on the impact of the disease on fertility and weaning rates in the affected herd. Cases of dermatitis associated with MD were diagnosed in two 12 and 24-month-old Nelore calves belonging to a beef cattle farm that operates the full cycle of production (calving, rearing, finishing) in Mato Grosso do Sul, Midwest Brazil. The clinical signs exhibited by affected cattle 0included slow, progressive weight loss; formation of diffuse skin crusts in multiple body areas; skin dryness; multiple ulcerations on the gums and dorsal surface of the tongue which evolved to longitudinal fissures; formation of keratinized projections; and detachment of hoof horn. In addition, diarrhea affected one animal in the late stage of the disease. Necropsies also revealed longitudinal erosions in the esophagus. Histological examination showed coagulation necrosis foci in esophageal and lingual mucosae, with neutrophil and lymphocyte infiltration. Skin lesions consisted of epidermal coagulation necrosis associated with neutrophil infiltration and hyperkeratosis. In both cases, clinical diagnosis was confirmed by the isolation and identification of cytopathic and noncytopathic biotypes of the bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) and immunohistochemical detection of viral antigens in formalin fixed tissues. Out of 300 cattle that had contact with the affected animals, 38 were found to be seropositive - in high neutralizing titers - to BVDV. Blood samples from 1,025 young animals and 40 bulls from the farm were examined for the presence of BVDV to identify potential PI animals. The virus was isolated from blood of three calves in the initial test and, 12 months later, from two of them which had remained on the farm. Only one of these calves was found to be BVDV-positive by immuno-histochemical testing performed on ear-tissue samples. In the year following the birth of PI calves, the herd underwent decreases in fertility and weaning rates, which later returned to their previous levels. The resulting data demonstrate the presence of BVDV infection in beef herds in Mato Grosso do Sul and provide evidence as to include the disease in the differential diagnosis of causes of generalized dermatitis in cattle.
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