Year 2015 - Volume 35, Number 1001

Substitution of Tifton 85 hay by hay or silage maniçoba in diets based on spineless cactus on metabolic profile of sheep, 35(Supl.1):5-9

ABSTRACT.- Gouveia L.N.F., Maciel M.V., Soares P.C., Neto I.F.S., Gonçalves D.N.A., Batista A.M.V. & Carvalho F.F.R. 2015. [Substitution of Tifton 85 hay by hay or silage maniçoba in diets based on spineless cactus on metabolic profile of sheep.] Perfil metabólico de ovinos em crescimento alimentados com dietas constituídas de feno ou silagem de maniçoba e palma forrageira. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 35(Supl.1):5-9. Departamento de Medicina Veterinária, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Rua Manuel de Medeiros, Dois Irmãos, Recife, PE 52171-030, Brazil. E-mail:

Aiming to evaluate the effect of addition of cactus pear associated with maniçoba in the diet of sheep on the profile of biochemical indicators of energy metabolism and protein, we performed a randomized block design was used in which 24 male sheep without defined breed (SPRD), mean weight of 19.77±1.95 kg and average age of six months, divided equally into three treatments: concentrate + Tifton hay, concentrate + maniçoba hay and concentrate + maniçoba silage, and similar parts of cactus pear. There were four blood samples, which were repetitions at intervals of 15 days (0d, 15d, 3d and 45d). Then proceeded to the analysis of the following biochemical parameters: serum creatinine, urea, total protein, albumin, globulin, glucose, fructosamine, aspartate aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, gamma glutamyl transferase, sodium, potassium, chlorine, calcium and phosphorus. Higher dry matter intake was observed in the group with maniçoba hay. Treatment with maniçoba silage showed statistical differences (P<0.05) in the consumption of neutral detergent fiber. Significant variations were found in the concentration of urea in the animals fed the diet composed of maniçoba hay. Both hay and silage maniçoba, up to 30%, can replace the Tifton 85 hay for feeding finishing animals, effectively keeping the dry matter intake, carcass yield, the protein metabolism, energy and mineral, plus be a good alternative for feeding sheep.
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