Year 2011 - Volume 31, Number 11

Morphological study of raccon male genital organs (Procyon cancrivorus), 31(11):1024-1030

ABSTRACT.- Martucci M.F., Mançanares C.A.F., Ambrósio C.E., Franciolli A.L.R., Miglino M.A., Rosa R.A. & Carvalho A.F. 2011. [Morphological study of raccon male genital organs (Procyon cancrivorus).] Estudo morfológico dos órgãos genitais masculinos do guaxinim (Procyon cancrivorus). Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 31(11):1024-1030. Departamento de Morfologia, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária, Centro Universitário da Fundação de Ensino Octávio Bastos, Av. Octávio Bastos s/n, Jardim Nova São João, São João da Boa Vista, SP 13870-000, Brazil. E-mail:

Three animals were used in this study, proceeding from the University of Sao Paulo for the Laboratory of Morphology of the University Center of the Foundation of Education Octávio Bastos and one other directed by the IBAMA in accordance with process number 02027.000.286/2004-92, population excess of zoo, whose masculine reproductive devices “former situ” had been fixed by immersion and dissected. Each agency and attached gland of the reproductive device had been removed fragments of, which had been processed and enclosed by the techniques of inclusion in paraplast. Each block was cut and the cuts had been corados by HE, picrosírius, and histochemical reaction of PAS with deep of blue hematoxilina and Masson Tricrome for the comment of the structures to the optic microscope. Macroscopically, the inguinal region was composed by the urethra, isquiocavernosum muscle, bulbospongiosus and bulbcavernosum muscles, penis retractor muscle, a pair of testicles and penile bone or baculum and anus. The head of the penis presented a proximal dilatation constituted on the widest part of baculum. The position of the testes inside the scrotum was horizontal. The prostate gland was in globoid form surrounding the urethra. Microscopically, the testes were coated by dense connective tissue, the tunica albuginea. The ductus epididymis was coated by pseudostratified epithelia with stereocilia. The urethra of the penis was surrounded by the corpus spongiosum and the remaining portion presented a corpus cavernosum (erectile tissue). The found macro and microscopically results and until the moment are similar to the findings in the Cannis familiaris (domestic dog).
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