Ano 2012 - Volume 32, Número 1001

The influence of selected pathological states on the somatostatin-like immunoreactive (SOM-LI) endocrine cells in the mucosal layer of the porcine descending colon, 32(Supl.1):79-83

ABSTRACT.- Gonkowski S. & Ca³ka J. 2012. The influence of selected pathological states on the somatostatin-like immunoreactive (SOM-LI) endocrine cells in the mucosal layer of the porcine descending colon. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileiia 32(Supl.1):79-83. Division of Clinical Physiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Warmia and Mazury, Oczapowski Str. 13, Olsztyn, 10-957, Poland. E-mail:

This study reports on changes in the number of somatostatin–like immunoreactive (SOM-LI) endocrine cells in the porcine descending colon, caused by chemically driven inflammation, axotomy and proliferative enteropathy (PE). The distribution pattern of SOM-LI endocrine cells has been studied using the routine single-labelling immunofluorescence technique. Semi-quantitative evaluation of the number of the SOM-immunostained endocrine cells within the mucosal layer of the porcine descending colon has been based on counting of all endocrine cells immunoreactive to SOM per unit area (0,1 mm2). Under physiological conditions the number of SOM-LI endocrine cells has been shown to constitute 3,30±0,22. All applied pathological processes resulted in changes in the SOM–like immunoreactivity, which varied in particular processes studied. The number of SOM-LI endocrine cells increased to 6,28±0,31 and 4,43±0,35 during chemically driven inflammation and proliferative enteropathy, respectively, and decreased to 1,17%±0,16 after axotomy. The obtained results suggest that SOM-LI endocrine cells may participate in various pathological states within porcine descending colon and their functions probably depend on the type of pathological factor.
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